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Open letter of thanks to CCU staff and faculty

When our beautiful grandson Taggert Burton Smith was born on March 5, 2009, we had no idea what a remarkable journey our family was destined for. After a seemingly normal pregnancy, Tagg was born with Tetrology of Fallot, an extremely serious heart condition which took him to the Pediatric Cardiology Intensive Care Unit (PCICU) at MUSC in Charleston. It was also discovered he had other equally serious conditions affecting his trachea and ability to breathe. After numerous surgeries and procedures performed by an amazing medical staff, Tagg finally came home after 161 days.

Through all the time Tagg was hospitalized, I knew we could depend on the wonderful friends, “our Coastal Carolina family“ at the University, to keep him in their thoughts and prayers for a miracle ... and miracles DO happen! We are most grateful for all the kind thoughts, words and deeds extended to our family during this most stressful time. The prognosis for Tagg is very good, and we hope to be able to bring him to campus one day to say hello to those that helped give our family the strength to make it through the tough times. You will never know how much each of you mean to us, and how much we appreciate your kindness.

Nancy Burton and family

Burton works in the Office of University Communication.

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