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CCU reunion takes place in Iceland

Iceland has a large contingent of CCU alumni, and a delegation of University leaders traveled to Reykjavik in late April for a weekend of events and meetings designed to strengthen alumni relations there.

The CCU group – President David DeCenzo; Darla Domke Damonte, assistant dean and executive director of global initiatives in the Wall College of Business; Geoff Parsons, director of international programs; and Debbie Conner, associate vice president of university relations – visited businesses run by alumni and had a planning meeting with the Icelandic Whales Alumni Association, the country’s anchor CCU alumni organization.

One of the highlights of the visit was a reception attended by more than 80 alumni and guests on April 30. The event marked the 20th anniversary of the Whales Alumni Association, which recently created a scholarship for Icelandic students attending CCU. Camilla Hákonardóddir '03 and Linda Jóhannsdóttir '96 assisted in planning many of the events.

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