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Planning for student success at CCU

By Debbie Conner, Vice President for Student Affairs

Student success is the mission of Coastal Carolina University, and it's what we are all about in the Office of Student Affairs. Our students, after all, are here learning their way in the world, and we are here to ensure they are successful.

The area of student affairs continues to look for ways to support faculty in its goal of increasing student success. In an effort to boost retention for freshmen, academic affairs has initiated new practices to help new students be more successful, including taking attendance and mid-term grading in100 and 200 level courses.

Recently, another tool has been provided for faculty. A form has been added in WebAdvisor if a faculty membber wants to report a student at the 100 or 200 level who has missed a week or more of class and the faculty member is unable to contact the student and is concerned. This report triggers student affairs to make contact with these students to ensure they are OK and to determine if they need any assistance.

Coastal Carolina University also maintains a “Students at Risk” Team (SART) to identify and assist students who are at risk of failing or having to leave the university for behavioral, psychological or health reasons. The “Students at Risk” form can be accessed through the Dean of Students web page. Once completed, this activates a discussion about that student and what interventions might be needed to assist the student. This form can be completed by a faculty or staff member who has contact with the student.

How should you decide if you need to report a student to the “Students at Risk” Team? If you observe student behaviors that are unusual or alarming, the student may need more help than you can offer. Some things to look for include: disruptive classroom behavior, complaints from other students, excessive absences, dramatic weight gain or loss, changes in typical behavior or unusual emotional displays.

If you still aren’t sure, contact any member of SART to discuss your concern, or consult with your supervisor. Many resources are offered at no charge to our students, including health services and counseling services. Do not hesitate to assist a student in making an appointment to seek help.

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