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CCU starts aerosol can recycling program

Coastal Carolina University is introducing a new program to reduce the volume of used aerosol cans going into the local landfill. A joint partnership between the TD Campus and Community Sustainability Initiative (Sustainability) and the Department of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) has been formed to collect and process the used aerosol cans generated by the University.

All unwanted aerosol cans must be collected and recycled; they cannot be disposed of by any other method. This includes cans that are apparently empty, partially full or contain expired contents. The cans should be collected in marked collection bins and held for pickup to the processing area. “Used Aerosol Cans” collection bins will be distributed for convenience to areas on campus where used aerosol cans are generated. Should your area need a collection bin, please contact Jeremy Monday at 843-349-6954 or email to The collection bins will be serviced on a monthly basis by the Green Team. Should your area only generate a few cans a year or less, please contact Jeremy Monday at 843-349-6954 or when a pickup is needed.

The collected used cans will be sorted by their contents and further processed by puncturing to relieve pressure and collecting their contents for proper disposal. The empty de-pressurized cans will be sent out as recycled scrap metal.

If you have any questions, contact Jeremy Monday at 843-349-6954 or or Boyd Holt at 843-349-2770 or