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Theatre Department Design & Tech Program Ranks in Top Ten

OnStage blog has named Coastal Carolina University one of the Top 10 BFA Theatre Design and Tech Programs in the Country for 2016-17.

The listing is an affirmation of the unique experiences CCU students encounter in the program, according to Todd Wren, CCU professor of lighting design.

“We are storytellers and teach our students to create upon the stage meaningful art with wood, paint, light, and sound,” Wren said. “It’s common for students to work on two to three main stage productions their first year, in addition to their classroom projects, which include figure drawing, 3D computer modeling and dramatic analysis.”

A small faculty-student ratio and close working relationships also set the program apart, said Monica Bell, chair of the theatre department.

“A select group of students are chosen each year to enter into this mentorship-based program that facilitates production-centered learning in different areas of design and technology,” Bell said. "It's a wonderful recognition to land in the top 10 listing, and our students and faculty at CCU deserve the kudos!”

OnStage is a New Haven, Conn.-based blog that reviews and covers theater events, design, and culture.
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