CCU Arboretum

Loblolly Pine

Common Name:Loblolly Pine image
Loblolly Pine

Scientific Name:
Pinus taeda

Species Range: 
This pine is native to the southeast United States ranging from Texas to Florida and up to Delaware. It can be found in both moist and sandy soils but can adapt to many varieties of soils.

Growth Characteristics: 
The loblolly pine is one of the fastest growing southern pines and can reach up to 90-100 feet tall. As an evergreen tree, it has dark green, stiff, and straight needles that can be 6-9 inches long. Its bark is rough and scaly and turns a dark reddish brown with age. The matured seed cones are ovoid to conical and 4-6 inches long with very sharp prickles.

Ecosystem Service Value: 
This tree provides food and shelter for many small southeastern animals and birds.

Uses, Other Details:
Because they are fast growing, loblolly pines can be used as a resource for many types of wood items including furniture, plywood, posts, crates, boxes, pallets, and much more. They are also planted to stabilize eroded or damaged soils.

Pine beetles can cause damage to the loblolly pine.

Identification Tips and Tricks:
To distinguish a loblolly pine from other similar pines, look at the pinecones, needles, and bark. The loblolly pine has generally smaller pinecones than, for example, the longleaf pine. The loblolly’s pine needles are not organized on the branch. The bark on the loblolly is also flakier, thicker, and rougher than some other pines.

Species profile by Billie Rogers


Kirkman, L. Katherine., et al. Native Trees of the Southeast: An Identification Guide. Timber Press, 2007.

“Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda.” Arbor Day Foundation, Retrieved November 8, 2020.