
From the Editors

From the Editors

Bridges Issue 12 is finally here! Hurricane Florence and the resulting campus evacuation during the Fall 2018 semester delayed several aspects of production, and we are glad to publish the work of these students at last. 

As the showcase of academic disciplines and areas of study across our campus, Bridges annually presents a range of engaging content. Issue 12 is no exception. Representing the College of Science, Benjamin Anderson examines approximations for modeling astrophysical explosions and introduces a “fast and accurate” approximate approach of his own calculation. In order to assess the effectiveness of the Clean Air Act (1970), Rebecca Ford charts Ozone concentrations at air quality monitoring stations in Los Angeles between 1980 and the present. In a timely example of the intersections of popular culture and rigorous coursework, Casey McAndrew investigates the psychological phenomenon of FOMO (if you’re not sure what that is, then you definitely must read her essay). Moving over to Humanities, Jocie Scherkenbach shares research findings, as well as a student survey, evaluating how instructor feedback builds student writers’ authorial confidence. Fellow English major Madison Rahner celebrates the bicentennial of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein by arguing for a reinterpretation of the horror novel as a “feminist birth myth.”

Along with wide-ranging academic content, a diversity of skillsets and people go into each issue of Bridges. As usual, Caroline Rohr, University Editor in the Office University Communication, provided meticulous suggestions for copyedits. Master of Arts in Writing research assistants Ian John and Alyssa Isaac lent assistance with copyedits and proofing content. The faculty, staff, and students working with the Athenaeum Press, Coastal’s publishing lab, took our materials and brought Issue 12 to life.


Keaghan Turner, Ph.D.                     Kevin McWilliams, Ph.D.

Editor                                                 Managing Editor              

Department of English                      Department of Chemistry