Faculty Advisers

We would like to acknowledge each of the faculty advisers who worked with the student authors on their articles both before they were submitted for publication in Bridges and during the publication process. These faculty advisers, whose photographs and biographies follow the articles, dedicated time and energy far above their regular teaching responsibilities to guide their mentees in original research and writing. In many cases these articles were originally written as the student’s senior project, capstone paper, or honors thesis. Working with advisees on such endeavors is not required for professors. They do this work for select students whose work rises above the normal expectations for undergraduate work. They also model faculty-student collaboration for our learning community. Without the work of the faculty advisers who direct the student toward success, Bridges could not exist.

We want to offer our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the following advisers who worked on articles for Issue 9:

Adviser and Department

Student Author and Title

Sheila Mitchell, Accounting

Austin Willmore, “The Implication of US GAAP and IFRS
Convergence on American Business”

Christian Smith, English

Margaret Nichols, “Identity Crafting: Reading the Agency
and Art Implicit in Selfies”

Daniel Cross Turner, English

Pat Siebel, “Specters of Nature; or, From Metaphor to
Murder: The Nonhuman-animal in Rash’s Serena”

Rachel Whitaker, Chemistry

Daniel McDonough, “Bacterial Death Results from
Mutations Made in Translocation Peptide of Leucyl-tRNA

Other Acknowledgements

We would also like to acknowledge the following people who have supported Bridges and
should be recognized for their ongoing efforts to foster undergraduate research and scholarship at
Coastal Carolina University. Without their continued commitment to this journal and their belief
in the importance of promoting undergraduate publications, producing Bridges each year would
literally be impossible. Our deep gratitude is given to: 

  • J. Ralph Byington, Provost and Senior Vice President
  • Robert Young, Director of Undergraduate Research
  • Michael Ruse, Director of the Honors Program

We have wonderful website and administrative support as well, which is a testimony to the
broader community support Bridges receives. Special recognition goes to:

  • Debbie Hamm, Program Assistant of the Honors Program

We received additional help at critical moments from certain dedicated Board members.
Appreciation for additional service goes to:

  • Paul Peterson, Politics and Geography
  • Michael Ruse, Honors Program

In addition, we would also like to acknowledge the work of our faculty reviewers. These faculty
members agree to read and comment on articles that have been submitted for consideration. The
faculty reviewers serve as subject matter experts who comment on the value of the articles and
offer suggestions for improvement before the article is published. In order to be published, an
article must first be nominated by a faculty adviser and then reviewed positively by the entire
Bridges Editorial Review Board. At that point, the article is sent to a faculty reviewer. Only
when an article has received a positive review from the objective outsider can it be slated for

It is essential for Bridges to have this kind of outside review process because almost all scholarly
work proceeds in this manner. Our student authors are experiencing this important process for
the first time. Without the unpaid work of these readers, this outside review process could not
take place. We wish to thank the following faculty members for serving as reviewers this year.

  • Ronald Green, Philosophy & Religious Studies
  • Steven Hamelman, English
  • Daniel Hasty, English
  • Elizabeth Howie, Visual Arts
  • Karen Maguire, Accounting
  • Tripthi Pillai, English
  • Christian Smith, English
  • Yoav Wachsman, Finance & Economics
  • Daniel Williams, Biology

The Editorial Review Board is composed of Coastal Carolina University faculty members who
are dedicated to strengthening our broadly defined research community. Their guidance of
Bridges is invaluable.       

  • Sarah Banks, Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
  • Paul Clark, Marketing and Resort Tourism
  • Howard Coleman, Educational Leadership
  • Steve Earnest, Theatre
  • Monica Fine, Marketing and Resort Tourism
  • Susan Flynn, Special Education
  • Melanie James, Accounting, Finance, and Economics
  • Linda Martin, English
  • Kevin McWilliams, Chemistry/Physics
  • Paul Peterson, Politics and Geography
  • Michael Ruse, Honors Program
  • Keaghan Turner, English
  • Philip Whalen, History
  • Robert Young, Undergraduate Research