Wall College of Business Alumni

The E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration boasts more than 8,000 alumni from around the world! Wall College alumni are doing exciting things and have embarked on careers with innovative companies and organizations such as Amazon, Ernst & Young (EY), Marriott, U.S. Department of Defense, Merrill Lynch, Walt Disney World, OrthoSC, KPMG, Wyndham, and more!

Our alumni also serve as members on various boards within the college and their communities. They are well-traveled, philanthropic, entrepreneurial, and have mentored many CCU students by providing professional coaching, employment, and internship opportunities.

If you know of an alumnus who would be a great alumni showcase, contact Wendi Lee at wlee@coastal.edu.

Alumni Spotlight: Maurice Simpkins '06 

Maurice Simpkins '06 (computer science/management) is a former CCU football player who uses his experience on the field and in the classroom to create his own business that helps connect higher education with the latest technology. He gives back to his alma mater in various ways such as mentoring students. We recently caught up with Simpkins for an interview you can read here

About the CCU Alumni Association

The Coastal Carolina University Alumni Association was founded in 1976 as a unified effort to maintain contact with and plan activities for former students. Today, alumni live in nearly every state of the nation and in numerous foreign countries. Opportunities for the 32,000-plus alumni body continue to expand and include a yearlong calendar of events for varying constituent groups.

To be an active member in the association, alumni are asked to donate at least $35 a year.