
Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics  

At the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration, we define ethical behavior by a commitment to respect the rights and dignity of all persons and treat them in a fair and honest manner. All efforts undertaken on behalf of the college will be approached with maximum diligence and quality with a focus on integrity in all interactions. We treat all people with respect and collegiality even when we disagree. The reputation of the Wall College is predicated upon the unwavering support of administrators, faculty, staff and students to this pledge.

Adherence to the following basic guidelines will help to ensure that the Wall College of Business provides uncompromised service to all stakeholders. Such stakeholders include, but are not limited to, peers, superiors, subordinates, students, professors, trustees, parents, alumni, donors and members of the public:

1. The Wall College of Business fosters professional relationships between faculty, staff and students. Maintaining these relationships requires adherence to the highest standards of behavior and should never be compromised. Conflicts of interest on the part of administrators, faculty, staff or students will be identified promptly and steps will be taken to report any such event to the appropriate college or university officials. 

2. The University’s resources will be properly managed and utilized as will any other resources entrusted to the college. Any misappropriations of such resources on the part of administrators, faculty, staff, or students will be promptly identified and necessary steps will be taken to report the event to the appropriate college or University officials.

3. All research will be conducted honestly, fairly and objectively. Research methods, analysis and results will be reported in an unbiased fashion, while taking care to report the strengths and weaknesses of that research.  All contributions to research will be fairly acknowledged through the recognition of joint authorship and proper citations. When research involves human participants, their privacy, dignity, and well-being will be respected.