Learning Goals

Learning Goals 

BSBA Learning Goals

*To access the BSBA Assessment Manual, click the highlighted link. 

1. Demonstrate competence in the core subjects of business administration: accounting, finance, management, marketing, economics, international issues, legal and social business issues, and quantitative analysis.

2. Demonstrate competence in solving complex problems by identifying and analyzing an issue, gathering, analyzing, and interpreting relevant information and proposing solutions or evaluating impacts.

3. Effectively express knowledge and ideas through written communication.

4. Effectively express knowledge and ideas through oral presentation skills.

5. Demonstrate the use of appropriate technologies to make effective business decisions.

6. Demonstrate an understanding of ethical perspectives in business via enhanced awareness and recognition of ethical issues and an understanding of the importance of ethical issues in business decisions.

7. Work effectively as a team member in a business environment.

MAcc Learning Goals

*To access the MAcc Assessment Manual, click the highlighted link.

1. Students should demonstrate a broad understanding of topics in financial and cost accounting, taxation, auditing and other related content areas. Emphasis is placed on

preparation for the CPA and CMA exams.

2. Students should be able to carry out applied accounting research.

3. Students should be able to effectively express accounting knowledge and ideas through technical written and oral communication.

4. Students should demonstrate technological skills in solving accounting problems.

New MBA Learning Goals (2016-17)

*To access the MBA Assessment Manual, click the highlighted link. 

1. Business Knowledge: Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to think strategically about the global business environment.

2. Ethical Decision-Making: Students will demonstrate the ability to make ethical decisions in a business environment.

3. Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate complex business decisions.

4. Leadership: Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to make decisions that improve organizational performance.

5. Professional Communications: Students will be able to demonstrate professional communications in a business environment.

Certified Fraud Examiner Certificate Learning Goals

1. Identify the three components of the fraud triangle in the context of a particular fact pattern or case scenario.

2. Apply critical analytical skills in choosing among alternative courses of action in various aspects of fraud and forensic accounting within the framework of appropriate moral conduct.

3. Analyze and discuss the impact of the legal and regulatory environment on perpetrators, witnesses, organizations and forensic accounting professionals.

4. Develop fraud prevention programs to prevent, deter and detect the use of IT systems to commit fraud and other criminal acts.

5. Analyze financial and nonfinancial information as a basis for gathering evidence, forming hypotheses and testing hypotheses.