
Mission and Values

Mission and Values 


The vision of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration is to prepare all Wall College students to maximize their potential for success with relevant, meaningful, and practical curricula delivered by exceptional and dedicated faculty using cutting-edge applied pedagogy. 


The mission of the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration is to guide and educate each student in the development of valuable skills for a successful career in a globally competitive and diverse environment.

With a particular focus on four critical components to sustain and enact this mission, the Wall College will:

  1. Educate STUDENTS in critical thinking, communication, and professionalism through applied and experiential learning using a variety of teaching techniques and innovative technologies.
  2. Develop, maintain, and execute a CURRICULUM emphasizing the integration of business functions to provide students with a complete and unified understanding of business.
  3. Develop FACULTY intellectual capital by creating a portfolio of diversified intellectual contributions in applied, basic/discovery, integrative/interdisciplinary, and pedagogical (teaching and learning) scholarship. 
  4.  Offer service to the larger COMMUNITY that utilizes and further enhances faculty expertise. Such efforts will, in turn, expand and enhance opportunities for students through cooperative research, internships, or improved course and curriculum design.  

As members of the Wall College community of teacher-scholars, we value:

  1. People.  We value the people who work diligently to achieve (or to help us achieve) our common goals.  We recognize that our success is dependent upon a team effort, and is built upon the tireless efforts of committed individuals working together.  We treat all people with care, respect, and collegiality even when we disagree.
  2. Integrity.  We value truthfulness, honesty, and transparency in all interactions.
  3. Excellence.  We value diligence and quality in all of our efforts and strive to progress and advance continuously.
  4. Innovation.  We value creativity, originality, flexibility, and adaptability in response to an evolving and ever-changing world while never failing to recognize and honor our history and the traditions upon which our College was built. 
  5. Collaboration.  We value synergy and commonality in our efforts to achieve a common goal. In such efforts, we commit to disregard self-interests to advance the College’s objectives.
  6. Diversity.  We value individual differences and celebrate uniqueness, and we demonstrate this commitment by promoting a safe environment for the expression of different perspectives. 

The application of these values to our daily interactions means that we:

  • Ensure that everyone participates, and no one dominates.
  • Listen to others respectfully without interruption.
  • Can disagree without being rude or offensive toward another.
  • Recognize that all ideas have the potential to be of value, consequently, we refrain from quick judgment and maintain objectivity and receptivity.