
Excel Videos

Excel Videos

Understanding Microsoft Excel is fundamental as a business major and professional. The videos below, along with their supplemental materials, will highlight Excel basics such as spreadsheets, graphs, formulas, and other Excel functions.

1. Lesson 1: Moving Around

An introduction to spreadsheet terminology and an overview of navigating across rows, columns, and ranges.

Supplemental materials: Lesson 1: Moving Around

2. Lesson 2: Formulas and Functions

Excel functions including inputs, arguments, and nesting of functions. Demonstration of basic mathematical functions in Excel.

Supplemental materials: Lesson 2: Formulas

3. Lesson 3: Tables and Value Lookups

An introduction to the use of Tables in Microsoft Excel. Also discusses one of the most useful and powerful of all Excel formulas (Vlookup).

Supplemental materials: Lesson 3: Table Lookup

4. Lesson 4: Financial Formulas

Presents financial calculations in Excel through the use of a simple Loan amortization example.

Supplemental materials: Lesson 4: Financial Formulas

5. Lesson 5: Formatting Spreadsheets

Presents financial calculations in Excel through the use of a simple Loan amortization example. 

Supplemental materials: Lesson 5: Formatting

6. Lesson 6: Cleaning Data

Tips and Tricks for cleaning up data collected from Internet sources.  Discusses formulas and techniques designed to make raw data more amenable to further analysis.

Supplemental materials: Lesson 6: Cleaning Data

7. Lesson 7: Logic

Discussion of functions designed to add interactivity and logic to spreadsheets including IF, AND, SUMIF, and MAXIFS.

Supplemental materials: Lesson 7: Logic

8. Lesson 8: Charts

Introduction to the use of Charts and Graphs in Excel. Chart best practices are discussed together with Pivot bar charts, Pie charts, and Line charts with Sparklines.

 Supplemental materials: Lesson 8: Charts