
Hire a Chant

Employer Recruitment

Recruit and Hire Wall College of Business Students

The Wall Center for Career Services can help you develop a recruiting strategy tailored to your unique employment needs. We aim to understand your organization’s culture, mission, and goals in order to help target the best candidates for you. Consider the following opportunities to recruit, hire and build your brand on campus:

  • Create a free account on JOBLink powered by Handshake to post your position(s) and connect with students and alumni who meet your qualifications.
  • Engage with our students at upcoming job and internship fairs.
  • Set up an on-campus information table or deliver a professional workshop.
  • Conduct on-campus interviews or host an informational reception.
  • Connect with our student clubs, organizations and honor societies.
  • Host a company visit at your organization for our students to see your corporate culture in action!
  • Encourage CCU alumni within your organization to promote your company with our current students, or serve in a mentoring capacity for ambitious undergraduates.

Hiring CCU Students on JOBLink

Our JOBLink platform powered by Handshake is the best resource for our students to find jobs, internships, career events, on-campus interview schedules, professional development activities and more. This mobile-friendly application allows employers to post positions, discover talent, and engage with our larger campus community. Join us on JOBLink powered by Handshake today, and consider viewing these training videos to help you navigate the new platform. 

Contact Us

For general questions about job postings, career fairs, and upcoming events, please contact the central Career Services office.

For questions about targeted recruiting or engaging with Wall College Leadership students, please contact

To get involved with our professional development activities, student organizations, or to schedule a workshop or on-campus event for business students, please contact