Initiatives and Projects

The Center for Applied Intelligence prepares CCU students for careers and leadership in the United States Intelligence Community and the Private Sector through high-impact practices, such as the following:

Applied Intelligence Project

Students presenting at seminar table

The Applied Intelligence Project enables students to work closely with a variety of United States Federal intelligence and security agencies for a semester, as Critical Mission Center Directors or Support Officers. Applied Intelligence Project students have worked with agencies such as the National Security Agency, the Secret Service and the National Ground Intelligence Center.
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Coastal Law Enforcement Analysis and Research (CLEAR)

Founded in 2017, Coastal Law Enforcement Analysis and Research (CLEAR) is an experiential activity that allows students to provide direct intelligence support to local and regional law enforcement organizations. CLEAR student analysts create and deliver intelligence products that have a real-world impact, including direct support to security exercises in the local area.

Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB)

Founded in 2015, the Chanticleer Intelligence Brief (CIB) operates as an ancillary practicum for students in the Intelligence and Security Studies program who wish to cultivate and refine their ability to gather, analyze, and present information in accordance with methods, conventions, and techniques used in the intelligence profession.
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INTEL Careers Day

Occurring every year in April, INTEL Careers Day brings together CCU Intelligence and Security Studies students with intelligence practitioners, INTEL alumni, and recruiters from government and industry. It also showcases the work of INTEL students, who present their research and intelligence products to mixed audiences of intelligence practitioners and students. 
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Women in Intelligence and National Security (WINS)

Women in Intelligence and National Security (WINS) was founded in 2016 at CCU as the first undergraduate student-led group of its kind in the nation. It is a diverse organization of women and men, which seeks to enhance diversity and inclusion in the intelligence field and affiliated professions. It does so by empowering its members with the necessary tools to realize their future personal and professional ambitions.
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Intelligence Operations Command Center (IOCC)

Established in 2022, the Intelligence Operations Command Center (IOCC) is an instructional and collaborative workspace, equipped with state-of-the-art information technologies. It is designed to give students in the Intelligence and Security Studies program the experience of day-to-day activities that take place in intelligence organizations.
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National Intelligence Studies (NIS) in Washington DC 

National Intelligence Studies (NIS) in Washington, DC, is a three-week study-away program in Washington, D.C., conducted in the summer to allow students to engage with Intelligence Community organizations, think tanks, and universities. Past trips have featured site visits to elements of the Intelligence Community, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and others.