History of the Student Union

‌The Lib Jackson Student Union (formerly the Lib Jackson Student Center) was named for Elizabeth "Lib" Benson Jackson on Oct. 16, 2004, to commemorate a family gift made in her honor to Coastal's 50th Anniversary Initiatives Campaign.

Mrs. Jackson was born and raised in Salisbury, N.C., the oldest of four children. She married A.E. Jackson Jr., and the couple moved to Myrtle Beach in 1939. The Jacksons were among Myrtle Beach's earliest residents.

The photograph of Lib Jackson is located in the rotunda area of the Student Union.


1978 Lib Jackson Student Center constructed (sixth building on campus)
1983 Student Center Patio addition
1997 Student Center renovation
2008-2009 CINO Grille addition to the rear of the building 
2009 Second Floor area upfit
2010 First Floor West Wing upfit (Game Room and Student Lounge)
2010-2011 First Floor East Wing upfit
2013 Chick-Fil-A added to CINO Grille
2015 Building A added, name changed from Student Center to Student Union.  Awarded L.E.E.D. Gold. 
2018 Freshens replaced Subway and Restrurant Rotation replaced Chauncey's Queso Corner in CINO Grille.