Hosting a free speech event

Hosting a free speech event  

  • It is recommended that student organizations or individual students who wish to hold a free speech event on campus contact a University Belonging & Student Affairs free speech advocate, for consultation regarding the time, place, and manner of the event, in support of their expression of free speech.
  • External entities or individuals who wish to hold a demonstration or free speech event on campus should contact Scheduling and Event Services for consultation and to reserve and contract space at least two weeks prior to the event.
  • Both internal and external entities should be prepared to provide the appropriate University office with the date, time, and location of the free speech event on campus.
  • Both internal and external entities are responsible for reviewing and adhering to University Policy 477.
  • If response to a current event does not allow for two weeks advance notice, please contact a University Belonging & Student Affairs free speech advocate or Scheduling and Events Services for consideration.
  • University Belonging & Student Affairs free speech advocates are staff prepared to meet with campus community members regarding freedom of expression on campus. If you would like to be in contact with a free speech advocate, please contact Dr. Emily Gaspar at or call 843-349-2417.