University position on free speech on campus

University position on free speech on campus

CCU is committed to making its facilities and property available for use by groups and individuals as it is consistent with its educational mission and values, its duties as stewards of state resources, and its responsibility to consider the welfare of its students, faculty, staff, visitors, and campus community.

Free speech events on campus should not disrupt the normal operation of the University, endanger the health or safety of others, and/or damage property. Because the University provides a location for these events, this does not mean the University endorses the content of speech or the event itself.

The University assumes a posture of neutrality toward the content and subject matter of any free speech event or demonstration but will not allow events that advocate unlawful activity or that include forms of speech not protected by the First Amendment. Forms of unprotected speech include, but are not limited to, child pornography, fighting words, obscenity, true threats, or inciting language. The University reserves the right to curtail the expressions listed above for the benefit of the University in maintaining a peaceful and productive academic environment that is conducive to academic work; will preserve the dignity and seriousness of University ceremonies and public exercises; and will respect the private rights of all individuals. This includes regulating the time, place, and manner of these freedoms.

Peaceful free speech events and demonstrations by members of the University community or by members of the general public will be allowed and encouraged on campus, subject to the limitations listed above and compliance with University Policy 477. Equally expected of all participants in the exercise of these freedoms is the weighing of possible consequences of their actions, especially those that involve conduct which interferes with or infringes upon the rights of other students, faculty, staff, or any member of the University community.

Free speech events – any event that has as its main goal the expression of ideas or thoughts. This may include but is not limited to demonstrations, marches, counterdemonstrations, or rallies.

Time, place, manner – as a government entity, the University can limit the time, place, and manner of a demonstration or the like so long as:

  1. There is a legitimate government interest in regulating the activity.
  2. The regulation is content-neutral.
  3. The regulation is narrowly tailored to meet the purpose of the limitation.
  4. An alternate means of communicating the message still exists.

Please review Coastal Carolina University Policy 477: Free Speech, Solicitation, and Promotional Activities for the complete requirements of this Policy.

Hate speech

The First Amendment restricts the University from placing selective limitations on speech and expression if it is insensitive, boorish, or expressive viewpoints on disfavored subjects.

The First Amendment forbids the University from regulating or punishing speech or expression of ideas and messages because they are offensive or controversial. 

The University can address the following:

  • speech which is likely to incite imminent lawless action
  • speech which is harassing (severe, pervasive, persistent, hateful towards a specific individual)
  • speech which is disruptive to the forum wherein it is occurring
  • discrimination, harassment, retaliation against an individual based on protected class