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Career Services

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Verne Walker image   Verne Walker, Ph.D. 
Director of Career Services 
843-349-2357  |
Karen Arnie, M.A.
Director of Internships, Service Learning, and Employer Engagement
843-349-2559  |
‌‌Kelli Headshot Kelli Moses-Dolfi
Assistant Director of Career Services/ Coordinator of Career Exploration and Marketing
843-349-2889  |
Photo of Katherine “Kate” Byron Katherine “Kate” Byron, MSED
Assistant Director of Career Services/ Coordinator of Employer Engagement for Students & Alumni
843-349-6981  |  
  Rhonda Sautter
Career Counselor
843-349-3450  |
Jessica Small image Jessica Small
Career Services Program Assistant 
843-349-6515  |