Campus Visits – Employers

Campus Recruitment


Number one

Career Fairs: Campus Career Fairs offered every Fall and Spring semester for students seeking full-time jobs, internships, summer positions, and career networking opportunities.

Fall 2024 Career Fair: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 from 12 pm - 4 pm

Number two 

JobFest:  Tabling event options for employers in the student union during the Fall and Spring semesters after the Career Fair.

Typically two weeks following the career fair.

Number three Networking: Collaborations with departments, faculty, alumni affairs and student organizations to include employers in programs and events relevant to student interests.
Number four Job/Internship Postings:  Current internship/career postings in CCU Handshake are required for employers who participate in Career Services events.


Become a SPONSOR: Career Services sponsorships offers employers a wide variety of additional ways to engage with our students and provide visibility for your brand and your career opportunities. Feel free to browse our sponsorship page or contact Dr. Verne Walker at to schedule a meeting to discuss options.


We look forward to seeing you on campus engaging with our talented students soon!

Campus Recruitment Heading

After posting your position or following a recruitment event (with a currently posted job/internship in Handshake), you can also request campus interviews here at CCU. Start by requesting an interview schedule on CCU Handshake. Then, please send an email to to alert us to your campus interview request or call our office at 843-349-2341 to speak with a member of our Employer Relations Team. Two people shaking hands


For more information, contact:

Karen Arnie
Director of Internships, Service Learning, and Employer Engagement
Career Services Center
Lib Jackson Student Union A203