Career Fair Information


WHO: All Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Staff 
WHEN: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
WHERE: Williams-Brice Physical Education Center
WHY: Meet with Employers about JOBS and INTERNSHIPS

Remember to:

  • Pre-register for the fair ahead of time!
  • Review the list of employers
  • Update/upload your resume to Handshake
  • Attend our Prepare for the Fair workshop (3-4 pm) & networking (after the workshop panel) on Tuesday, October 15th from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. in Allen Ballroom (within the Singleton Building)

Fall 2024 Career Fair

More information can be found on CCU Handshake

Prepare for the Career Fair Panel Discussion & Networking

Career fairs offer students at all stages of their career development a unique opportunity to get first-hand knowledge of employment trends and specific job openings. Students at all levels of their educational experience are invited and encouraged to attend our events.

Come to our Prepare for the Fair Panel Discussion (Ask Today, Slay Tomorrow) workshop on Tuesday, October 15th from 3-4 p.m. in Allen Ballroom (within the Singleton Building) THEN stay for networking after the event (Bite-Size Connections: Pre-Fair Networking) (4-6 pm) with hot Hors d'oeuvres! Gain practice and skills to use before the career fair! 

While we encourage participation at both events, you are not required to attend both.

Please explore the below resources to assist you as you prepare for this next opportunity to network with employers!

When you get to the career fair, you'll notice QR codes at each employer booth. Scan the QR code at booths you’re interested in to have your contact information shared with the recruiters. Handshake will send you a summary of the companies you met with after the fair. To make the process fast and simple, make sure your Handshake account is activated and download the Handshake app ahead of time.

Preparing for a career fair can offer students numerous advantages:

  1. Networking Opportunities: Career fairs allow students to connect with professionals, recruiters, and potential employers. Building relationships early on can lead to internships, job offers, or valuable advice and industry insights.

  2. Exploration and Information: It's a chance to explore various industries, companies, and career paths. Engaging with different organizations helps in understanding their culture, values, and available opportunities.

  3. Practice and Confidence: Career fairs provide a platform to practice pitching skills, talking about strengths, and presenting resumes. This practice boosts confidence when interacting with potential employers. We encourage all students and alumni to attend!

  4. Access to Job Openings: Many companies use career fairs to advertise job openings and internships. Being present allows students to learn about these opportunities firsthand.

  5. Real-Time Feedback: Engaging with recruiters and professionals can provide immediate feedback on resumes, interviewing skills, and overall presentation, helping students to refine their approach.

  6. Establishing Contacts: Even if immediate job opportunities aren't available, exchanging contact information with professionals can lead to future opportunities, mentorship, or guidance.

  7. Gaining Insights: Speaking directly with industry professionals allows students to gain insights into current industry trends, required skill sets, and what employers are seeking in candidates.

Ultimately, preparing for a career fair is an investment in one's future. It's an opportunity to learn, grow, and potentially kick-start a successful career.

  • Do your Research: See who is coming to our Career Fair via Handshake:
    • Identify the list of companies attending the fair and research each one thoroughly. Understand their values, culture, recent news, and the roles they typically offer. Tailor questions and conversations accordingly.
    • Some employers will have campus interviews the days following the career fair!
      • Pre-register for the event in Handshake
      • Make a plan!
      • Decide who you’d like to meet at the fair
      • Research the companies online to learn about their culture, values, mission, and possible career paths
      • Impress them with your knowledge and initiative
      • Prepare some questions
      • Apply online in advance 
  • Polish your Resume & LinkedIn profile:
    • Update and tailor resumes to align with the companies and roles of interest.
    • Ensure LinkedIn profiles are up-to-date and represent the same information as the resume.
    • Meet with career services prior to the fair - We offer resume & rapid resume review appointments.
    • Make recommended edits to your resume and print copies to bring to the Career Fair
    • Plan to bring 10-20 copies to the fair
  • Prepare a Strong Elevator Pitch:
    • Craft a concise and compelling introduction that highlights skills, interests, and career goals. This pitch should leave a strong impression in a short amount of time.
    • Practice introducing yourself
    • Market your experiences & skill sets
    • Topics could include:
      • Who you are & what you do
      • Your skills and/or accomplishments
      • What you are interested in doing
      • What you are looking for at the fair
  • Dress Appropriately:
    • Dress in professional attire that aligns with the industry norms. First impressions matter, so aim for a polished and professional appearance.
    • Know the dos and don’ts of proper attire
    • What you wear is important
    • Stand out in a well-chosen wardrobe
    • Employers notice details and complain that students aren’t dressed to impress
    • Visit the Career Closet if you need professional attire (Wall/Prince)
    • Make plans to get your headshot taken at the fair (our photography studio will be at this event)
  • Prepare Questions:
    • Develop thoughtful questions for company representatives
    • Inquire about the company culture, available positions, career progression, and how to stand out as a candidate (this goes back to doing your research)
  • Practice Networking Skills:
    • Practice introducing oneself confidently, maintaining eye contact, and engaging in meaningful conversations.
    • Mock interviews or networking role-plays can help refine these skills.
  • Organize Materials:
    • Prepare a folder or portfolio containing multiple copies of the resume, a notepad, and a pen. This makes it easier to jot down notes and keep collected materials.
  • Plan a Strategy:
    • Determine a strategy for navigating the career fair.
    • Prioritize the companies of interest and plan a route to visit their booths while allowing time for unexpected opportunities.
  • Follow-Up Plan:
    • Plan how to follow up after the career fair.
    • Obtain contact information and send personalized thank-you emails to recruiters or professionals met during the event.

  •  Be Strategic & Come Prepared!
    • Know which employers you want to connect with and make time to visit their table
    • Be open to unexpected opportunities!
    • Be sure to allow extra time for long lines at popular recruiters’ tables
    • Make sure to bring enough copies of your resume
    • Wear comfortable shoes
    • Make sure you have lots of enthusiasm

 A student attends a Career Fair and talks to a potential employer.

  • Wear your nametag
    • Items to include:
      • First and last name
      • Class Year
      • Major - use our colored sticker dot system to look for employers who may be hiring for your major!
    • Write legibly
    • Place it on the right side of your chest – when you extend your arm to shake hands, this will be more noticeable
  • Know how to answer the “tell me about yourself” question but don’t share it all.
    • Topics:
      • Background
      • Education & experience
      • What you are currently doing
  • Offer a firm handshake (or a COVID-appropriate greeting)
    • Look at the employer
    • Smile
    • Ask their name (collect a business card at the end)
  • Remember to network!
    • Ask informed questions - engage recruiters with well-researched questions about the company, available positions, company culture, and how to apply. 
    • Show a genuine interest in the company.
    • Collect as many business cards as possible
      • Follow up after the fair!
    • Get to know the recruiters - listen actively! 
    • Take notes - jot down key points from conversations - this can help when you follow-up with the recruiters
    • Be prepared to answer questions about yourself
  • Bring the WOW factor
    • Recruiters are meeting hundreds of students at the event
    • It's not enough to simply say hello and drop off your resume
    • Tell the employer about your desire to work for their company and what sets you apart from other candidates
  • Be a sponge
    • Take notes
    • Listen to everyone around you while you wait
      • How do other students introduce themselves?
      • What's their body language conveying?
      • Who seems to have the most success?
    • Pay attention to what the recruiter says so that you can ask questions


  • Research companies to understand their culture, values, and available opportunities
  • Ask questions - engage recruiters with well-informed questions about the company, available positions, and career growth opportunities
  • Prepare an elevator pitch
  • Get a business card from each recruiter
  • Be prepared to talk about your work experiences
  • Be prepared to share your GPA
  • Be prepared to answer why would want to work for their company
  • Take notes and follow-up


  • Ignore smaller or less well-known companies
  • Interrupt a recruiter talking to someone else
  • Ask about salaries and other benefits 
  • Monopolize the recruiter’s time
  • Overshare personal information
  • Fill out forms at the table
  • Just drop off your resume
  • Use profanity


  • Organize Contacts:
    • Review and organize the contact information/ business cards/ materials gathered from recruiters and professionals. 
    • Create a list of potential job leads and rank them according to your interest in the company
    • Include notes about the conversations you had with recruiters
  • Follow Up:
    • Follow employers on Handshake
      • You'll receive notifications when they post new jobs and events!
    • Apply to an open job or internship - follow specific application instructions.
    • Update your job lead list with the date that you applied online
    • Create or update your LinkedIn Profile and add your new photo that you took at the career fair!
    • Continue networking
      • Don't limit networking to just the contacts made at the fair.
      • Keep networking within your industry or field of interest through other events, online communities, or informational interviews.
  • Send Thank You Emails:
    • Craft personalized thank-you emails to each recruiter or professional you meet at the fair.
    • Express gratitude for their time, reiterate your interest, and mention key points from your conversation.
    • If you are active on LinkedIn, request a connection with a personalized note 
  • Reflect and Learn:
    • Reflect on the experience gained/learned from the career fair. 
    • Identify your strengths and areas for improvement in networking, communication, and engaging with potential employers

  • Attend our Prepare for the Fair workshop on Tuesday, October 15th from 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. in Allen Ballroom (within the Singleton Building)
  • Attend our Pre-Career Fair networking following our Prepare for the Fair workshop on Tuesday, October 15th from 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. in Allen Ballroom (within the Singleton Building)
  • Career Fair Preparation
  • Elevator Pitch Worksheet
  • Need help with your resume or interview skills?
    • Check out our Resume Help page
      • Find sample resumes, cover letters, and tips & tricks to make your resume the best
    • Check out Big Interview  
      • Practice your interviewing skills through Big Interview with common and industry-specific questions!
      • Learn online tips for making a great impression and practice real-time questions online!
      • Record yourself in a virtual environment and get feedback on how you did!
    • Check out our helpful Chants handouts or schedule an appointment online at CCU Handshake