Major & Career Selection

Explore Major and Careers


Career Services provides career and major counseling to current Coastal Carolina students, Alumni, or prospective Coastal Carolina students who have already completed an application with Admissions and Merit Awards. Our expert staff can assist you with the process of researching, evaluating, and learning about a major, the career field you wish to pursue, and the opportunities available to you as you prepare to enter the workforce. 

Make an appointment to speak with a Career Counselor.  Explore these tools to enable you to gain insight into potential careers. A great place to begin is by reviewing the CCU College to Career Plan!


Career Assessment Tool

typefocus   TypeFocus is an online assessment tool that allows you to investigate your interests and values and search for potential career paths. To use TypeFocus, click here.

Major Exploration

What Can I Do With This Major? is an interactive computer program researching occupations students can pursue with various majors. To see what you can do with your CCU major, click here! 

Career Exploration

The Occupational Outlook Handbook is a nationally recognized source of career information, designed to provide valuable information about a variety of career fields.

My Next Move (ONet in-it) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration, which provides a variety of resources that addresses the question, "What do you want to do for a living?".


Finding Your Future Career

Learn How To Become
Job Shadowing
This mobile-friendly website provides career information for a wide variety of fields,  a comprehensive toolkit for job search, networking, and resume/cover letter tips, and links to additional online resources for career exploration. Find your future career at
Job shadowing provides an opportunity to spend time in a real-life work setting to observe a professional in your career field of interest.  Job shadowing allows students to gain exposure to a career to determine if it would be a good fit.
Employers in South Carolina By Major
Employers By Major
South Carolina has opportunities to offer in your major.  To search for employers in South Carolina by your major visit today! 
CLICK HERE to search for employers in South Carolina by major in Buzzfile!

Interested in searching for employers by your major?  Visit - CLICK HERE to search for employers by major!

Buzzfile is the most comprehensive employer-by-major resource available to universities and their students. This information is obtained from Dun & Bradstreet and is updated on a quarterly basis.  

Play the Celebrity Matching Game!

Ready to match your career knowledge with famous celebrities like Shaquille O'Neal, Colleen Hoover, or Disney's Michael Eisner?  Can you guess the alma mater and degree?

Celebrity Matching Game (Powerpoint).