Gupta College of Science

A resume is the first opportunity to present your talents and experiences to a potential employer.  Get started writing your resume by reviewing the department samples.

Career Services has resources to help you create the perfect cover letter and resume.  Visit our Resume and Cover Letter Tips page where you will find a resume worksheet, resume checklist, and cover letter sample to help you plan.

Additional tips to consider: 

  • Use action verbs.
  • Clarify the value you bring to the employer by including results, achievements and accomplishments, not just duties.
  • Readability, spelling, punctuation, and word spacing count in making a good impression. Consistency is key.
  • Length is important. Try to keep it short.
  • Resume samples and templates are a guide. Feel free to make it your own!

Career Services is here to assist you with your resume! Come by or schedule an appointment!

Resume Samples by Department

Biochemistry Beginner IT
Biology Advanced IT
Chemistry Engineering Science 1
Information Systems Engineering Science 2
Computer Science Marine Science
Beginner Computer Science Psychology
Advanced Computer Science