
Resume and Cover Letter Tips

Resume and Cover Letter Tips

  • Most undergraduate resumes are one page. It should be visually appealing and easy to follow with 10-12 size font in styles that are easy to read. When printing your resume use neutral professional style resume paper.
  • Typical sections include Education, Honors and Awards, Work Experience, Leadership and Activities, Research Experience, and Skills.
  • Your resume should be focused towards your intended goal, highlighting relevant skills and experience.
  • Use job descriptions to emphasize your transferable skills and accomplishments. Job descriptions should be written in bulleted format starting with action-orientated verbs.
Helpful Documents for Resume Creation

Sample Resume with Tips
Resume Worksheet
Resume Checklist
Action Verbs

Freshman Resume Sample

Helpful Curriculum Vitae (academic resumes) tips

What is a CV? 

Difference between a resume and CV

Helpful CV tips

Resume and CV Samples from UC Davis

Additional Documents and Links

Capitalization Tips for Resumes

What to Include in a Resume

Sample Cover Letter

Sample Reference Page

Job Description Analysis:  Article

Targeted Cover Letter Tips:  Article

How to Turn Your Duties Into Accomplishments: Article