
Campus and Community Research Collaborative

Campus and Community Research Collaborative

The Campus and Community Research Collaborative (CCRC) is a bi-annual, multi-disciplinary event sponsored by the Office of the Vice President for Research and Emerging Initiatives and the Office of the Provost. This faculty-driven initiative fosters opportunities to generate experiential student learning outcomes mutually benefiting research faculty and community partners. Since 2012, CCRC has enriched the quality of life of the local community by partnering with regional organizations and local agencies.

Pre-registration is required; please see registration form below.

November 14, 2019, 9:30am - 1:30pm

Atheneum Hall 105, Alford Ballroom

2019 CCRC Fall Reinforces Carnegie Classification

This fall, Campus & Community Research Collaborative (CCRC) builds upon momentum to enhance reciprocal partnerships between faculty and community organizations. This focus coincides with CCU’s pending application for the 2024 Carnegie Classification for Community Engagement.

According to Campus Compact, Carnegie Classifications comprise a leading framework for describing institutional diversity in U.S. higher education. The Community Engagement Classification is an elective classification for which institutions may voluntarily apply to be listed.

Carnegie defines Community Engagement as the collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity.

The Campus and Community Research Collaborative (CCRC) is a faculty-driven initiative that fosters opportunities to generate experiential student learning outcomes mutually benefiting research faculty and community partners. The signature of CCRC remains its speed-dating activity. During this time, faculty engage with community nonprofit partners to yield dynamic student learning outcomes.

During the event, a memorial tribute will be held for Accounting Professor Karen Maguire. Since CCRC’s inception, her efforts benefited numerous community partners and organizations. Most recently, she presented “Incorporating Volunteer Capacity into Nonprofit Financial Reporting” during the CCRC Spring 2018 event.

CCRC is supported by the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Vice President for Research & Emerging Initiatives.

CCRC Fall 2019 Keynote

Ameena Batada, Ph.D. is an associate professor of health and wellness at the University of North Carolina Asheville. Dr. Batada teaches courses in health parity, health communication, global health, and community health promotion, among others.  Her research focuses on community-driven projects such as program evaluations and research for policy advocacy in the areas of food security, child and family health, health communication, and mindfulness, among others.

For the past four years, Dr. Batada has worked with the Asheville Buncombe Institute for Parity Achievement (ABIPA) on a Results-Based Accountability (RBA)-informed initiative called PRAISE, which encourages, supports, and recognizes African American churches promoting the health of their congregations.  She also is working with the Asheville Buncombe Food Policy Council (ABFPC), the food security work group of the Community Health Improvement Process (CHIP) and others using RBA.  Dr. Batada also has been involved with the Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER), a national project of the National Center for Science & Civic Engagement, to engage with faculty teaching STEM courses.

Dr. Batada uses a data-to-action or research-for-advocacy approach in her community-engaged courses, working with students and community partners to identify, collect, analyze, and present data and stories to support policy change.  Projects include a survey of public bus riders that informed the advocacy campaign and subsequent extension of 8 city bus routes, a survey of people who are houseless that informed the city’s strategic plan, and observational research of tobacco marketing to youth in Henderson County that resulted in a passed Board of Health resolution to request the state to end pre-emption of local policies on the issue.

Dr. Batada is the recipient of the 2014 UNCA Community Connector Award and 2018 Gulf South Summit Faculty Award for Instruction.  In October, 2018, Dr. Batada and two colleagues will join the third cohort of Interdisciplinary Research Leaders Fellows through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).

Prior to UNCA, Dr. Batada was director of education, research and outreach at Sesame Workshop India and before that child health project manager at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).  Dr. Batada holds a DrPH in population and family health sciences with a concentration in health communication from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and an MPH in maternal and child health with a certificate in international health from UNC Chapel Hill School of Global Public Health.

Additionally, there will be a presentation about the 2020 Census by CCU Alumnus Lindy Studds, Media Specialist at the US Census Bureau.


    2020 Census: Making it Count for Classrooms and Community Partners, Lindy Studds, US Census Bureau, Media Specialist

    Assessing Impact of Reciprocal Partnerships, Ameena Batada, PhD, Associate Professor of health & Wellness, UNC-Ashville


    Registrants may park in parking lot YY located on Highway 544, then take the Bronze shuttle which runs every 10 minutes to the Lib Jackson Student Union. To return to the parking lot, take the same Bronze shuttle. 


    I will attend the entire event
    I will attend the 2020 Census Presentation
    I will attend the Keynote Presentation
    I will attend the Speed-Dating Luncheon
    Please assist us in evaluating the Campus & Community Research Collaborative event by replying to this survey no later than 5pm on Wednesday, November 20.

    Responses are anonymous and will be reported in aggregate only.