Abby Barnes

Abby Barnes

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name: Abby Barnes

Hometown: Myrtle Beach, SC

Year in School: Freshman

Major: Marketing


Abby is a marketing major.

Abby's Video

It is always nice to see students passionate about an activity or subject, but it is even more refreshing when a particular young person happens to be committed to a certain cause. Myrtle Beach product Abby Barnes is dedicated toward raising awareness for type 1 diabetes. Affected by the condition herself, Abby works constantly to dispel misconceptions and convey that anything is possible for sufferers.

A freshman marketing major, Abby hopes to use the education she is attaining at Coastal to focus even more on type 1 diabetes. Upon graduation, her hope is to partner with a friend to develop a mentorship program about the condition. Until then, she is making the most out of her time on campus. A student marketing assistant for University Communication and also involved with the Office of Special Events, Abby is getting a great glimpse at how the professional world works.

But it is not all work and no play for Abby. She has completed multiple CCU leadership programs, including CINO Quest. She also finds time to enjoy hobbies such as drawing and baking. Describing herself as “creative,” Abby credits Coastal for allowing her to showcase what she has to offer.

“From attending CCU in the short time I have been here, it has allowed me to come out of my shell and progress down the path I want to be on,” Abby explains.  

We hope that path continues to bring growth and achievement over the next few years at Coastal. We are glad that Abby is part of #TEALnation.  

Abby is a freshman.
Abby is from Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Q&A with Abby

How did you hear about Coastal: Not only is Coastal a local school for me, but I have a family member that is also an employee. So I hear about Coastal all the time!

Why did you come to Coastal: I came to Coastal because it offers great programs (and don’t forget about the beautiful campus).

Favorite faculty/staff member: Penny Bell, academic advising

Favorite class: CSCI 110

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect about Coastal is the community atmosphere. I appreciate the numerous events and activities that take place on campus, it helps make Coastal feel like a big family.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Thanks to the mix of rural and urban settings in the area, my favorite aspect of living in the Grand Strand is the plethora of dining options ranging from comfort food to ethnically diverse cuisine.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in: I have been involved in various leadership programs (i.e. CINO Quest) and I am also helping the Office of Special Events with upcoming holiday functions.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work for University Communication as a student marketing assistant.

Plans after graduation?:  I plan to use my free time to help a friend start a mentorship program for Type 1 Diabetes. I also plan to use my marketing degree to start a fulfilling career.

What are your hobbies?: I like to draw, bake, and involve myself with philanthropic work. 

Do you have any hidden talents?: I know all the lyrics to “Baby Got Back.”

Bonus Info: November is Diabetes Awareness Month and, being one myself, I would like to say that no matter if it is Diabetes or something else, anything is possible.