Alexa Bode

Alexa Bode

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Alexa Bode                                                                          

Hometown: Grasonville, Md.

Year in School: Senior!                                  

Major: Middle Level Education

 ‌Alexa is involved with Sigma Sigma Sigma

Alexa's Video

Alexa Bode doesn’t remember exactly how she heard about Coastal Carolina University but she sure is glad she did. Looking for an institution that wasn’t huge but still offered big time college athletics, CCU stood out. Now a Sun Belt Conference institution just shy of 11,000 students and home to FBS football, Alexa made a choice that directly satisfied her wish list.

The campus environment that Alexa originally sought has allowed her to thrive. She is involved in several organizations including Sigma Sigma Sigma, Order of Omega, Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, just to name a few. In fact, the final group mentioned brought Alexa her most memorable moment at Coastal as she had the opportunity to represent the CCU chapter of Phi Sigma Pi at the fraternity’s national convention in Arizona. At the convention, she accepted a couple awards on behalf of Coastal Carolina, including an outstanding chapter honor.

Alexa has also taken advantage of study abroad opportunities. She went to Berlin, calling it “an amazing experience” and describing it as “an extended field trip in a beautiful city.” Additionally, she holds jobs working in the Vice President for Campus Life and Student Engagement Office and at the Chanticleer Store. As you can gather, she is a very busy individual creating daily experiences.

“I have gained so many leadership skills and such great confidence that I will never be able to repay Coastal,” Alexa says, making known her gratitude for the opportunities provided to her by CCU.

Describing herself as “vibrant,” her personality is on display to those off campus as well. Alexa is a student teacher at North Myrtle Beach Middle School. With teaching fulltime on the table after she graduates, she also wouldn’t mind serving as a consultant to her sorority, Sigma Sigma Sigma. Whatever direction Alexa heads, we hope she always stays vibrant and never loses the confidence that CCU instilled in her.


Alexa is from Grasonville, Md.

Q&A with Alexa

How did you hear about Coastal?: I don’t remember... I know my mom mentioned CCU at one point (while she was trying to get me to look at ECU) and then I had a friend from high school who is a year older than me apply here.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I loved the smaller school feel with the Division I sports.

Favorite professor: Ughhh… The whole German department, Craig Cook, Ph.D., (math), and John Cartaina (education)

Favorite class: My favorite class I have taken would probably be my history classes that I took while studying abroad

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The classes are small enough that the professors can get to know you. Also, everyone on this campus truly cares about the students. Any time I have an issue, I know there are multiple people I can go to.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The warm weather for most of the year.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Sigma Sigma Sigma, Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity, Order of Omega, Kappa Delta Pi, and the CINO Leadership Series.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work as a student assistant in the Vice President for Campus Life and Student Engagement office and in the Chanticleer Store.

Plans after graduation?:  I am currently working on submitting an application to become a consultant for my sorority.

What are your hobbies?: Netflix and sleep (I do like to cook, but never have the time. I also collect key chains.

Do you have any hidden talents?:  Master of board games and doodling

Bonus Info: I speak a little German and know a little sign language. I also have been student teaching at North Myrtle Beach Middle School this semester. 


Alexa is a senior