Ali Beatty

Ali Beatty

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily

Name:  Ali Beatty                                                          

Hometown: Sandwich, Ill.

Year in School: Senior   

Major: English

Ali Beatty is from Sandwich, Ill.


Ali's Video

Ali Beatty discovered Coastal almost by chance, saying she learned about it “super randomly” while researching universities outside of her hometown of Sandwich, Ill. Tired of the snow and ready to move to a bigger place, CCU proved to be the perfect option. Ali left Illinois and started a new chapter in Conway, S.C.

“I have definitely grown a lot,” Ali says about her 1,000 mile move. “Moving out here by myself was really, really awesome for me…I have definitely become more confident in myself.”

Confident enough to showcase Coastal Carolina to potential students and other groups? You bet! Ali has worked as a Teal Trailblazer tour guide during her time at Coastal, bravely accepting the task of showing our visitors the beautiful campus we get to call home. But for Ali, she does more than just draw attention to the buildings and campus landmarks. She makes it a priority to express how much she genuinely loves CCU, using her many experiences to drive the point home. She can be very influential.

“I love when people come up and tell me ‘Oh my gosh, you were my tour guide, thank you so much! I am so excited to be here,’” Ali explains.

A week from today, Ali will graduate from CCU. With five years under her belt at Coastal, she has seen changes. Reflecting back to her first day as a Chanticleer, she mentions that Brittain Hall was the newest building on campus and that the Brooks Stadium playing surface was green grass. She has thoroughly enjoyed watching Coastal grow in size and prestige.

If we could give Ali one piece of advice next Friday, it would be to stay on her feet. Describing herself as clumsy and prone to “trip over everything,” a commencement stage could be a dangerous and embarrassing obstacle. All jokes aside, Ali always rises to the occasion and we know she will do the same on her special day. We hope everyone from Sandwich, Ill., can join us to watch their special loved one cross that stage.

Ali Beatty is a senior.

Q&A with Ali

How did you hear about Coastal?: Super randomly while doing research on colleges from outside my area. I was really only doing it for fun.

Why did you come to Coastal?:  I really wanted to move away from my small town. And I really hate the snow.

Favorite professor: Probably Emma Howes, Ph.D., she is super fun and so intelligent. She always tries to find a way to make class interesting.

Favorite class: Not sure, I enjoyed a lot of my English classes!

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: So many different people; I have met so many amazing people from all over the country. My best friends are from all different areas and I am so grateful that Coastal brought us all together.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The proximity of the beach and the wide variety of things to do.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Phi Sigma Pi (recruitment advisor 2017-18); Teal Trailblazer (volunteer coordinator 2016-17).

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work in Guest Services at Target and I am a waitress at Brother Shuckers Fish House

Plans after graduation?:  Unknown, possibly moving somewhere new. I have a desire to live all over the country and travel and see what’s out there.               

What are your hobbies?: I watch a lot of movies and I like to read. I spend a lot of time at the beach when I am not working.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can play the flute.


Ali Beatty will be graduating in Dec. of 2018.