Anacia Hines

Anacia Hines

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Anacia Hines

Hometown: Dunbar, W.V.

Year in School: Senior!!!!  

Major: Interdisciplinary Studies - Athletic Mentoring 

 ‌Anacia runs the hurdles

Anacia's Video

Anacia Hines came to Coastal Carolina not knowing a soul. However, her lack of initial connections did not stop this senior from Dunbar, S.C., from making a name for herself on campus. Describing herself as independent, Anacia quickly learned to navigate her new surroundings and meet fellow students.

“Coastal allowed me to connect and communicate with different people,” Anacia explains, giving too much credit to her University and not enough to herself.

One social advantage that Anacia did have upon arrival at CCU was membership on a team. A member of the track and field squad, she embraced her teammates and built an instant network of friends. A sprinter and hurdler, Anacia has pushed herself to perform to the best of her ability, doing what she can to contribute.

“I love being a student-athlete,” Anacia says. “Representing Coastal means a lot to me because I am being supported by the University that accepted me.”

Looking back at her time at CCU, Anacia will always remember visiting Louisiana as a member of Coastal’s Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) in 2016 to assist those affected by massive flooding.  Seeing so many people in need struck a chord with Anacia, inspiring her to choose a career path.

Desiring to help those in need of assistance, similar to the folks she met a couple years ago, Anacia wants to mentor student-athletes after she graduates. Her ideal job would be working at a university and giving the same counseling and mentoring that she has received during her time at Coastal. To see life come full circle in this way for Anacia would truly be a #CCUPositiveImpact.


Anacia will graduate this academic year.

Q&A with Anacia

How did you hear about Coastal?: I came to Myrtle Beach for senior week with some friends and we got lost. We wandered onto campus and when I returned home I submitted my application, sent my resume to the athletic department and came back to Myrtle Beach two weeks later. The campus was too beautiful to pass up a visit. 

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came for a few reasons. First, it felt like a home away from home. Also, after I met with the track and field coaches I truly felt welcomed. I also received a scholarship and I was impressed with the 100+ different clubs. 

Favorite professor: Eric Konig and MacGregor Hall 

Favorite class: Injury Management  

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: Everyone is friendly and more than willing to help and interact with you.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Everyone loves Myrtle Beach and it is easy to convince friends and family to visit rather than me going home and falling out of my routine. 

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Track and field, SAAC, recruiting host.  

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Pacsun 

Plans after graduation?: I would like to work at a university as a mentor, eventually starting up my own athletic mentoring program where I help student athletes find their passion in life.  

What are your hobbies?: Track and work. 

Do you have any hidden talents?: Doing hair, singing, dancing, art. 

Bonus Info: Make time to connect in college and enjoy all experiences that will allow you to excel. Do not be shy and use ALL your resources.


Anacia is from the state of West Virginia.