Anne Hobdy

Anne Hobdy

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Anne Hobdy

Hometown: West Friendship, Md.

Year in School: Senior

Major: Marine Science


                                Anne plans to attend graduate school.

Anne's Video

It seemed like yesterday that Anne Hobdy was building her interest in marine science as a middle school student. With the interest turning into a passion by high school, Coastal Carolina had quite the influence on Anne at a college fair she attended. The reputation of CCU’s marine science program enticed Anne to become a Chanticleer and that passion will soon turn into a degree once she graduates next week.

“There is so much out there to learn and explore,” Anne says about marine science. “You just really need to find where your passions lie and pursue them.”

Coastal Carolina provided Anne with four years of consistency. Part of a military family, she moved around a lot, including a stint in Spain that helped her become fluent in Spanish. But just because she has had a local address since 2015 doesn’t mean she has stayed in Conway the whole time. Anne studied abroad in Scotland, describing it as her favorite moment at CCU.

In fact, her time in Scotland had such a #CCUPositiveImpact on her that she will be returning to the country. Next fall, Anne will begin graduate school in a sustainable aquaculture program by splitting time in a trio of countries – Crete, France and, of course, Scotland.

However, before she leaves CCU, she still has a week to reflect on the past four years. She describes her undergraduate years as life-changing.

“The people I have met here and the experiences I have been able to have has changed me for the better,” says Anne.

Thank you for choosing Coastal, Anne. We are excited for your next academic and cultural adventures.

Anne's favorite professor is Eric Rosch

Q&A with Anne

How did you hear about Coastal?: I first heard about Coastal at a college fair back in high school.  I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but Coastal stood out right away as a great option.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I decided to come after hearing about Coastal’s outstanding marine science program.  Having been fascinated by the ocean and marine life since middle school, I was excited about the opportunity to learn more and pursue this field in college.  Marine science is a very broad field, so the interdisciplinary nature of Coastal’s program was a huge draw for me.   The experience I have been able to gain in each of the major areas within marine science has helped me narrow down my interests as I continue my education.

Favorite professor: Eric Rosch, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Either Art History or Biology of Marine Mammals

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love so many things about Coastal, but one of my favorites has to be the size.  Coastal is growing, but it is still small enough that you don’t feel lost in the crowd and can always recognize a familiar face.  I definitely feel a strong sense of community at CCU!

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The proximity to the ocean has been great—whether for field trips, independent research, or fun beach trips.  Also, if you like ice cream, Bruster’s (just down the road from Coastal!) makes the best homemade flavors and cones and is one of my favorite places to go with friends.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I have been a member of the student organization BCM throughout my three years at Coastal, and I just joined the gardening and sustainability club SPROUT this semester.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I have worked as a student assistant at Kimbel Library since my first semester freshman year.  I love my Kimbel family and will miss them after I graduate!

Plans after graduation?:  I will be attending graduate school starting this fall. I will be studying for my master’s degree in sustainable aquaculture abroad in Scotland, Crete and France.              

What are your hobbies?: I love to travel, cook, read and spend time outdoors.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I am fluent in Spanish!

Bonus Info: A lot of people don’t know that I am an identical twin!  My twin’s name is Emma, and she’s a nursing student at the University of Pittsburgh and my best friend since birth.


Anne is a senior.