Ben Anderson

Ben Anderson

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Ben Anderson

Year in School: Junior

Hometown: Vernon, N.J.

Major: Political Science


 Ben is the governor of the South Carolina Student Legislature

Ben's Video

Ben Anderson comes to class prepared and ready to debate. A political science major from Vernon, N.J., he is not afraid to differ with his classmates and openly challenge opinions. As strong arguments mix with passion, conversations can get heated. It is quite reasonable to assume that students might hold hard feelings against each other once they leave the Edwards Building.

Not so.

“When we’re inside the classroom we can debate things and talk about the big questions within our major, but afterwards we can go enjoy the beach and enjoy our friendship,” Ben explains.  

The ability of Coastal to, as Ben puts it, “foster both an academic and friendly environment,” has made him a major proponent of our institution. But even before Ben realized the healthy balance between classroom stimulation and student bonding, CCU had already impressed him.

“Coastal has one of the most beautiful campuses I have ever seen,” Ben recounts about what stood out during his campus tour. “That was something I couldn’t forget.”

Ben also can’t forget how much he has enriched his Coastal experience by becoming involved. His pursuits are diverse. He holds a leadership position within the South Carolina Student Legislature and is a member of Phi Alpha Delta (law fraternity). He is a Teal Trailblazer (campus tour guide) and has thrived so much in the role that he is also the hiring and training coordinator of the program. When he is not in the classroom, drafting legislation, or giving a tour, you might find Ben on the court participating in intramural volleyball.

Looking down the road five years from now, Ben hopes to be working internationally in a humanitarian role for the United States government. Hopefully his Coastal education will lead him toward his goal and when he is overseas he will reflect on his native country by fondly remember his time as a Chanticleer.

Ben is from Vernon, N.J.
Ben is a political science major

Q&A with Ben

How did you hear about Coastal? My twin brother actually wanted to tour Coastal and I naturally went on the tour. While touring, I knew Coastal was the school I wanted to attend. After getting accepted, I quickly changed mycollege plans and decided on Coastal.

Why did you come to Coastal?: The location is great and the Department of Political Science was very welcoming.

Favorite Professor?: Richard Aidoo, Ph.D

Favorite Class?: International Political Economy

Favorite Aspect of Coastal: The teal football turf, dubbed the “Surf Turf.”

Favorite aspect of living in Conway/Myrtle Beach: Definitely the beach. Not many students elsewhere can attend classes and still get in beach time!

There are also a ton of food options, and that's equally great.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in:

- Phi Alpha Delta

- Hiring and training coordinator for the Teal Trailblazer program

- Intramural volleyball

- Governor of the South Carolina Student Legislature

Do you work anywhere currently?:

I am a CCU Teal Trailblazer

Plans after graduation: I plan to attend graduate school to further my studies in foreign service.

What are your hobbies: Hiking, running, scuba diving

Do you have any hidden talents? I can juggle