Brendan Cullen

Brendan Cullen

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Name:  Brendan Cullen                                              

Hometown: Brookfield, Conn.

Year in School: Senior 

Major: Marketing


Brendan will graduate in December of 2017

Brendan's Video

As Brendan Cullen looks back on his time at Coastal, the numerous instances he engaged in community service come to the forefront. A member of Delta Sigma Pi, Brendan held a leadership position within the fraternity that allowed him to devote a lot of his energy toward giving back to the Grand Strand. He especially lights up when talking about the work he did with Smart Snacks, a program that provides healthy snacks to low income students at area schools.

“It’s really rewarding to see the type of impact you can have on your community,” Brendan reflects.

Back on campus, Brendan has enjoyed his academic experience. He decided to study marketing, calling it “the creative side of business.” Upon graduating this Friday, he will have a job directly within his field of study as he starts a position in the marketing department at a local rental company. He will begin his career fresh off an education that centered on diversity and experience.

“Coastal has given me lots of opportunities to work with students from different backgrounds, as well as the chance to work with a lot of businesses and organizations in the community,” Brendan says.

These next couple days will give Brendan a chance to soak it all in. He recently finished the semester project for his CBAD 478 project, an accomplishment he cites as one of his prouder moments at Coastal. With the stress of major projects and final exams off his shoulders, he can focus on walking across the stage on Friday.

Congratulations to Brendan! We thank him for attending Coastal and wish him the best of luck as he starts an exciting new chapter in his life.


Brendan is from Brookfield, Conn.
Brendan is a marketing major.

Q&A with Brendan

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal from classmates in high school who were looking at colleges in South Carolina. Also, multiple stufents from my high school also come down to Myrtle Beach for family vacations.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to CCU to escape the cold weather in Connecticut. Also, when I came to Coastal I was a marine science major, so living minutes from the beach seemed ideal.

Favorite professor: My CBAD 478 professor that I had this semester, Kay Keels, Ph.D.

Favorite class: CBAD 350, Marketing. It gave me the fundamental tools that I would be able to carry on into my other marketing courses.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love how close the community is. When we won the baseball championship it was great to the unity amongst everyone in the area.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The weather! I love how warm it is for majority of the year. During the winter months, we will maybe see a few flurries but it doesn’t even come close to how bad it can get back home.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a brother of Delta Sigma Pi here on campus.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am a sports photographer for a small company down in Socastee.

Plans after graduation?: I was offered and already accepted a position in North Myrtle doing social media marketing for a rental company.    

What are your hobbies?: Hanging out with friends, going to either the movies or beach, and photography.

Do you have any hidden talents?: No, I wish!

Bonus Info: I joined Delta Sigma Pi and was the VP of Community Service when we were a colony and when we were installed.  I wanted to be able to give back to my community that has given so much to me. I love participating in events where you can see the impact you have on other people, it is a very rewarding position.