Caitlynn Dennie

Caitlynn Dennie

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Caitlynn Dennie

Hometown: Clarksburg, Md.

Year in School: Sophomore

Major: Psychology


Caitlynn is studying psychology.

Caitlynn's Video

It was a hot and humid summer day when Caitlynn Dennie visited Coastal Carolina University for the first time. As she battled the Southern heat during her tour, the sweaty trek around campus didn’t deter her from choosing CCU – it actually encouraged her. Inspired by the beauty of the University and encouraged by the diversity of the student body, Caitlynn decided to become a Chanticleer.

Almost halfway through her undergraduate career at Coastal, Caitlynn has developed into a more complete person. She has taken the initiative to get involved while creating a unique experience for herself.

“If the person I was in high school looked at me now, I don’t think she would recognize me,” Caitlynn says. “I have challenged myself to go outside of my comfort zone and pushed myself to grow every day.”

Perhaps Caitlynn’s biggest challenge was making it through her first year at Coastal. As many freshmen do, she struggled at times. However, she stuck with it and ended the spring semester on a high note.

“Finishing freshman year was evidence to myself that I could be happy here and that this was the right place for me,” Caitlynn reflects.

Caitlynn returned for her sophomore year with energy and optimism. She had a resident adviser position locked up as well as employment with University Recreation at the HTC Center front desk. She is a sister of Sigma Kappa and focused on earning her psychology degree. Caitlynn will be the first one to tell you that she is determined.

“I work very hard and I have always been self-disciplined,” says Caitlynn. “Even if it takes me hours to do something, I still persist and try to do the best that I can.”

Never lose that drive, Caitlynn.

Caitlynn is from Clarksburg, Md.

Q&A with Caitlynn

How did you hear about Coastal?: My dad has always visited Myrtle Beach because he loves to golf, so he was aware of the area and the school.  When I was looking at potential colleges, I figured it was worth it to check out Coastal. Eleven miles from the beach is way closer than I have ever lived before.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I never had a dream school, but even after a sweaty and humid tour in the middle of the summer, I could not help but notice the beauty and diversity of Coastal. The location was a big factor too. I knew I was going to miss home whether I went 450 miles away or 40 miles away and I wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to start over completely.

Favorite professor: Kim Baker! She has helped me through so much. I had her as a professor freshman year, and after changing my major I now have her as an adviser. Her passion for teaching and helping others motivates me to continue to pursue a degree in psychology.

Favorite class: Marriage Psychology. The professor is great and my close friends and I planned to take the class together. Professor Nycum always shares the best advice, she is like a mom away from home.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The size of the campus and the classes. It is perfect for me, not too small and not too big. It is nice to see familiar faces everywhere on campus. I love being able to walk from one side to the other in 15 minutes.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: All of the options for things to do and places to go. I also love being surrounded by palm trees and warmer weather.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a member of  Sigma Kappa and I am a resident adviser in Teal Hall (now DeCenzo Hall).

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at the front desk at the HTC Center and I will be working at a country club in Myrtle Beach this summer.

Plans after graduation?:  I am just trying to focus on graduation at this point, but if I had to pick something, I would say I am definitely going to look at attending grad school somewhere in the South!

What are your hobbies?: Working out, taking pictures, looking for coffee shops and spending time at the beach.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I love puns! I am pretty good at making them on the spot. I would tell you one about a piece of paper, but it’s tearable. Honestly, I think that whiteboards are a better option, because they’re remarkable.

Bonus Info: Thanks to my parents, brother and friends who keep me going and laughs at my corny jokes.


Caitlynn is a sophomore.