Chynna Jones

Chynna Jones

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Name: Chynna Jones

Hometown: Baltimore, Md.

Year in School: Senior

Major: Public Health                                                                          

Chynna is from Baltimore.

Chynna's Video

When Chynna Jones was growing up in Baltimore, Md., she was never without something to do. From morning until nighttime, Chynna would be out playing and exploring with her friends.  This energetic spirit followed her to Coastal Carolina and has helped her make memories to last a lifetime. 

A public health major, Chynna always dreamed she would be part of the field.  From a young age, she watched her mother help those in need, allowing Chynna to see the positive impact public health workers can have.  She is passionate about helping others, especially the youngest and most vulnerable of society.

“I knew that I immediately loved babies and I know that a lot of issues start in the hospital, beginning with malpractice and neglect.  I really want to be a part of making sure that no child is left damaged for the future,” explains Chynna, adding that her goal is to become a neonatal nurse.

Not only does Chynna have a clear vision for herself, she also is very present on campus helping out in many organizations such as the NAACP, Women of Color and LiveWell.  Speaking of LiveWell, she is the head coordinator of the group, directing her fellow peer educators to plan events to achieve the goal of promoting the development of a healthy campus.

For Chynna, Coastal has broadened her horizons by allowing her to slow down from her fast-paced city life and introducing her to new people and organizations.  She has been able to socialize and become more confident as a person, which would have been more difficult if she still lived in Baltimore.

Chynna plans to attend nursing school after graduation. Once a neonatal practitioner, she would like to work at GBMC Healthcare in Maryland, the place she considers her “dream hospital.” With a noble career path, we can’t help but root for Chynna to achieve plenty of success.


Chynna is studying public health

Q&A with Chynna

How did you hear about Coastal?: A fellow high-school classmate

Why did you come to Coastal?: I really wanted to change my scenery of the city life to something a little more relaxed. I heard great things about Coastal and after visiting I knew it was meant to be a part of my educational journey

Favorite professor: Dr. Yannessa, Ph.D.

Favorite class: EDU 336 Intro to Human Growth Development

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The beautiful Campus

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The weather! Being from the North, I am so used to being super cold for long winters and down here the weather is so much better. The weather is very bipolar but I still love the warm sunny days that we do often get. I also appreciate being able to see the stars because with so many city lights and tall buildings back home you can’t really see them.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am currently involved in three organizations. I am part of Women of Color, the LiveWell Peer Educators and I am 2nd vice president of the CCU NAACP chapter.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I do. Though I am a member of the LiveWell Peer Educators, I also serve as the head coordinator for the LiveWell group.

Plans after graduation?:  The plan is to head to nursing school after I graduate to pursue my career goal of being a neonatal nurse. However, I am thinking about taking a year off just to regroup and take everything in after these long five years as an undergraduate.

What are your hobbies?: I love to dance, paint, sing like nobody is listening, and binge watch YouTube videos for HOURS.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I don’t have any hidden talents unfortunately but I am ambidextrous if that counts for anything!

Bonus Info: I am a big optimist with overflowing love in my heart. My mom actually calls me “Sunshine” because she says that I bring brightness to people’s days. I hope she is not just saying that because she is my mom! I love and I love hard. I want to make sure that everyone is happy and at their best. I feel like one of my reasons here on earth is to make people smile and if I can do that on a daily basis I am happy overall.


Chynna wants to become a neonatal nurse.