Claire Alverson

Claire Alverson

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Claire Alverson

Hometown: Cincinnati, Ohio

Year in School: Sophomore

Major: Exercise and Sport Science                                   

Claire is an exercise and sport science student.

Claire's Video

Perhaps there is no better way to recruit a student to attend your university. A few years ago, Claire Alverson made a trip from her hometown of Cincinnati to visit campus. The rest is fate.

“My tour was the day the baseball team won the national championship,” says Claire. “Seeing the community was really awesome, not only at Coastal, but the sense of community in Conway was also really great.”

Needless to say, after that experience, Claire enrolled at CCU. Over 1,000 days later, long after the Chanticleers recorded the final out in the 2016 College World Series, Claire still beams about the community-focused environment at Coastal. Even though she changed majors, not even the greatest academic audible could convince her to leave #TEALnation.

It didn’t take long for Claire to become involved with the CCU community she raves about. She earned a spot on the Coastal Carolina dance team and was hired as a resident adviser. These public roles have helped her grow as a person during her time at CCU.

“Coastal has really helped me step out of my box and branch out,” Claire begins. “I didn’t really know many people coming here so I have had to step out of my box and make new connections.”

For Claire, these new connections usually turn into personal allies. Describing herself as friendly, she makes it a point to reach out to people she encounters in public, especially the University Housing residents she oversees. In the end, according to Claire, it is about making others feel valued.

An exercise and sport science major, Claire wants to work in physical therapy and specialize in pediatrics. In order to reach her goal, more schooling will come after she graduates. Will her next institution be as welcoming as CCU? We will check back in a few years.


Claire is from Cincinnati.

Q&A with Claire

How did you hear about Coastal?: One of my high school guidance counselors suggested Coastal to me because she knew I was interested in marine science. 

Why did you come to Coastal?:  I wanted to study marine science and also get the best hands on experience during college.  After my tour, I knew that this was the place for me.  It felt like my second home.  I have since switched my major, but leaving this school never crossed my mind. 

Favorite professor: Mrs. Kimberly Tatro

Favorite class: Injury Management

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love how welcoming everyone here is.  I feel like there is a really strong sense of community here. 

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Warm weather! I love being in the warmth and living 20 minutes from the beach.  I also love getting to live in a different place than I grew up.  It has helped me branch out and have new and different experiences I would not have had otherwise. 

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?:  I am in the Honors Program and also part of the dance team. 

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am a resident adviser in University Place. 

Plans after graduation?:  I hope to go to physical therapy school and I want to work in pediatric physical therapy. 

What are your hobbies?: I enjoy being outside, so walking or running outside and taking hikes. 

Do you have any hidden talents?:  I am talented at dance, but that is not necessarily hidden. 

Bonus Info: Nothing that I can think of.  I just really love Coastal and all the experiences I have had and will get to have in the future. 

Claire is a sophomore