Dallina Vera

Dallina Vera

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Name: Dallina Vera                                                        

Hometown: Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Year in School: Senior                                   

Major: Political Science


 Dallina is a senior.

Dallina's Video

Dallina Vera chose to attend Coastal Carolina University because it was close to home and because it allowed her to save money. However, just because she stayed close to Myrtle Beach didn’t mean she lost out on the chance to travel. The senior political science student has journeyed to seven different states during her time as a Chanticleer, giving her more exposure to our country than that of your typical out-of-state student.

“Coastal Carolina has had a positive impact on me by allowing me to excel academically but most importantly allowing me to be as involved as I am,” Dallina says.

It is Dallina’s involvement in the opportunities afforded by Coastal that allow her to venture out past state borders and take part in some unique experiences. She is secretary of Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity, part of CCU’S mock trial team, a sister of Alphs Psi Lambda National Inc., and a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success.

But it is perhaps Dallina’s involvement with the South Carolina Student Legislature (SCSL) that her talents truly shine. As part of the Coastal Carolina delegation, she is able to debate bills and further her knowledge about parliamentary procedure and state government. However, Dallina will tell you that something greater comes from her association with the SCSL.

“The South Carolina Student Legislature is such a great organization. They teach you to write bills but most importantly they teach you how to fight for the change you want to see in South Carolina.”

Dallina doesn’t just represent Coastal at the state level, however. She recently returned from Washington D.C., where she participated in the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) Emerge Conference. It was in our nation’s capital that Dallina was able to advocate for Hispanic and Latino students. Saying that her passion for policy and advocacy “really grew” during the conference, she came back to Coastal even more motivated than before.

Stating that Coastal “truly cares about its students,” Dallina has no doubt she made the right decision to become a Chanticleer. With plans to continue to advocate for Hispanic and Latino rights and with law school in her future, it will be very exciting to check back with Dallina in 10 years to examine the impact she will have surely made.

Dallina is from Myrtle Beach
Dallina enjoys being involved with the community through service opportunities.

Q&A with Dallina

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal as a little girl, growing up in the area. I had student teachers that went to CCU.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to CCU to be close to my family and to save money. I am super fortunate to say that I will be graduating without any student loan debt.

Favorite professor: Kaitlin Sidorsky, Ph.D., and Michael Julius, Ph.D.

Favorite class: My favorite classes were International Political Economy and Women and Public Policy

Favorite aspect of Coastal?:  I love that Coastal offers so many opportunities to travel and attain first hand experience. As a Coastal student, I have had the opportunity to travel to over seven different states through the different organizations that I am part of. I also love that Coastal gives students a variety of networking opportunities. 

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?:  Just living close to home and being able to be involved in my own community through community service opportunities

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?:  I am a member of the Coastal Carolina mock trial team, a delegate of the South Carolina Student legislature, secretary of Phi Alpha Delta pre-law fraternity, a sister of Alpha Psi Lambda National Inc. and a member of the NSLS.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am a bartender at Dolly Parton’s Pirate’s Voyage.

Plans after graduation?:  I am definitely going to work for the government, but my plan is to continue advocating for the rights of Hispanics and Latinos in my community. I hope to attain my master’s degree in public policy and eventually go to law school to study either immigration or international law.

What are your hobbies?: I love to read and get lost in different books.  I also love to travel; I am always down for a last minute trip to go anywhere…literally!

Do you have any hidden talents?:  Just being a sleepy girl with a busy schedule.

Bonus Info: I just got back from Washington D.C from LULAC’s Emerge conference.  I was a proud scholarship recipient chosen to represent not just CCU, but the entire state of South Carolina. At this conference, I had the opportunity to meet with my representative and discuss issues such as immigration reform, the importance of DACA, the epidemic in Puerto Rico, as well as education and healthcare policy. I was able to advocate for Hispanic/Latino students and DACA recipients. That experience was life changing and really grew my passion for policy and advocacy.

Favorite Quote:

“La vida te pondrá obstáculos, pero los límites los pones tú.” Which translates to; "Life will put obstacles in your way, but you set the limits."