Eaven Austin

Eaven Austin

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Eaven Austin                                                                                       

Hometown: Lancaster, S.C. (The Red Rose City)

Year in School:  Senior                                  

Major: Psychology

 ‌Eaven is a psychology major

Eaven's Video

In a society where people are fueled by ego and personal gain, it is always refreshing to meet individuals who are down to earth and gracious. Meet Eaven Austin, a humble young man from Lancaster, S.C., who understands that people who think they are important usually aren’t.

“I accept the highs and lows of life and just roll with the punches,” Eaven says. “I understand that as quickly as I can get to the top of the pedestal, I can fall off just as quick.”

Perhaps one of those lows mentioned by Eaven was when he decided to transfer from his previous college. Moving on from a place that you thought would be the answer to your educational needs can leave a person with doubt and anxiety. But Eaven “rolled with the punches” and decided to enroll at CCU, a decision that turned out to be a high. Mentioning that his transfer choice allowed him to “feel comfortable,” it didn’t take him long to get involved. Embracing the “true college vibe” that he felt from Coastal, Eaven became a member of the African American Initiative for Males and the A.Bevy Collegiate Group.

Eaven wants to earn a graduate degree in counseling psychology. His one goal is to positively change the lives of others, especially adolescents. His dream is to build a mentoring program to develop young men to become community leaders.

“I truly have a passion for helping people. Anybody I can motivate – pushing them to that next level of success and achievement – I’m all for it,” Eaven explains.

Don’t think Eaven is waiting until he is finished with his education to start motivating others. He is currently a SNAP Mentor, a role that allows him to help freshmen students adjust to college life. Advising new college students to “grind it out,” we are thankful to have such a positive influence within our student population. Eaven has made a #CCUPositiveImpact and we hope he enjoys the rest of his senior year.

Eaven is from Lancaster, S.C.

Q&A with Eaven

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal Carolina University through my mother after looking for new options when deciding to transfer from Lenoir-Rhyne University. After one visit, I knew Coastal Carolina was the place I would spend the rest of my academic career. I was blown away by the beauty of the campus.

Why did you come to Coastal?: After my initial visit to Coastal Carolina in the summer of 2016, I was impressed by how beautiful the campus was. Everyone I met the day of my visit was incredibly welcoming, treating me as if I was already part of the Coastal family. Around every corner was a smiling face and a helping hand.

Favorite professor: My favorite professor so far in my three years at Coastal also happens to be my advisor, Andrew Terranova, Ph.D. He’s a super down to earth guy, who keeps class entertaining and informative. He’s always been willing to go out of his way for his students to have a chance to be successful.

Favorite class: English 102 Creative Writing had to be one of my favorite classes because it challenged me to think critically while also embracing creative freedom. Professor Mary Emery challenged us to diversify our writing styles, and pushed us to become the best writers possible in every style.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect of Coastal has to be the people. Being able to walk around campus and see genuine smiling faces can honestly turn any day around. The long lasting relationships I have built here at Coastal have truly shaped me into the man I am today.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: It has that true “college vibe” that you desire to have from your university. So many people desire to attend a campus that offers opportunities to take part in even outside of the respective campus. Conway/Myrtle Beach offers a variety of shopping centers, restaurants, theme parks and of course the beach! Living at a place like this is literally paradise.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a member of the African American Initiative For Males (AAIM) under Chief of Staff Travis Overton. I am also a SNAP Mentor and I am part of the A.Bevy Collegiate Group as the community director.

Plans After Graduation:  After graduating with my degree in psychology, I hope to earn my master's degree in counseling psychology. Within the next 10 years I hope to have helped change the lives of many adolescents in a positive way. I have aspirations to create a mentoring program for young men to learn how to be great leaders in their communities. The greatest thing we can give the youth is exposure.        

What are your hobbies?: Video games, volunteering, and quality time with my closest friends.

Bonus Info: My favorite quote is a song lyric by J.Cole: I’ve seen a baby cry, seconds later she laughs. The beauty of life the pain never lasts”.


Eaven is a senior.