Erin Dean

Erin Dean

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Name:  Erin Dean                                                            

Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio

Year in School: Senior                                   

Major: Marine Science

 ‌Erin is a marine science student.

Erin's Video

It is common for students to arrive at college without a specific academic path or future career field outlined. Not Erin Dean. A senior from Cleveland, Ohio, Erin knew she wanted to study marine science and work with sea turtles. After researching the best marine science colleges in the nation, CCU graded out at the top. There was no question about it, Erin was about to become a Chanticleer.

Since arriving at Coastal, Erin has focused extensively on sea turtles. She is the president of the Coastal Sea Turtle Club and a regular volunteer at the sea turtle monitoring and inventory sessions at Waties Island.  She traveled to Costa Rica to take a sea turtle biology study abroad course and is passionate about sea turtle rehabilitation. In fact, she wants to dedicate her career to rehabilitating sea turtles. She identifies Florida and Georgia as possible states she will find herself working in once she graduates this December.

Erin is thankful she chose a university that has allowed her to feed her passion and pursue a specific course of study. If not for Coastal, she feels like she would have missed out on a lot.

“All of the great opportunities that I have had here that I wouldn’t have had back home make this a special place,” Erin says about Coastal.

Sleep won’t be lost by Erin when she asks herself whether she is qualified to enter the sea turtle career field. She has built quite an impressive resume under the tutelage of some of the best marine science professors in the world. It will be exciting to find out where she lands her first job.


Erin is from Cleveland, Ohio

Q&A with Erin

How did you hear about Coastal?:  I researched the best marine science/biology schools in the country and Coastal was a result.

Why did you come to Coastal?: The great marine science program and the location.

Favorite professor:  Rob Young, Ph.D. or Eric Rosch, Ph.D.!

Favorite class: I took a sea turtle biology study abroad course in Costa Rica.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The opportunities provided for students and the friendly environment.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being right by the beach!

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am president of the Coastal Sea Turtle Club.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work at Wheelwright Auditorium.

Plans after graduation?:  I want to work in sea turtle rehabilitation.

What are your hobbies?: Watching movies, hanging out with my friends and going to the  beach.


Erin is a senior.