Francesca Solano

Francesca Solano

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Francesca Solano

Hometown: Fort Mill, S.C.

Year in School: Sophomore

Major: Hospitality, Resort and Tourism Management


Francesca is from Fort Mill, S.C.

Francesca's Video

Francesca Solano wanted to attend college at a place that genuinely cares about its students. Upon her initial visit to Coastal Carolina, she knew she had found the campus where she would spend the next four years.

Just a sophomore, Francesca is already reaping the benefits of her decision. She says that Coastal has shaped her leadership skills and helped her become a better person. Her passion for volunteering has had an outlet to grow through the many opportunities offered to give back at Coastal, including through her sorority, Sigma Kappa. For Francesca, helping others is a great way to help ourselves.

“Every little thing matters to them,” Francesca begins when talking about the residents at a local nursing home she recently helped out at. “And I think that is so inspiring and beneficial for us to see.”

Francesca has aspirations to become an event planner for a major hotel company in a big city. If her dream comes true, she would like to relocate to Miami after earning her degree and start her career.

“I love seeing the satisfaction that people enjoy from something that I created,” Francesca explains about what makes event planning so fulfilling.

As someone who advocates the necessity of prioritizing, you can bet that Francesca will keep a tight and productive schedule over the next five semesters as she reaches her educational goals. We can’t wait to see what the future holds come May 2020.

Francesca is a sophomore
Francesca enjoys her communication classes.

Q&A with Francesca

How did you hear about Coastal?: My best friend a grade above me told me how much I would love Coastal and to check it out.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I love how Coastal honestly cares about its students and constantly wants to get better.

Favorite Professor: Kevin Kokomoor, Ph.D.

Favorite Class: My Communication classes

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love the potential to be involved in so many things and truly make an impact.

Favorite aspect of living in Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I love being so close to the beach (of course) but still having the exclusiveness of the campus being so close together

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a sister of the Lambda Beta chapter of Sigma Kappa Sorority and I have currently been elected as vice president of Philanthropic Services. I love doing service events and helping the community by volunteering.

Plans after graduation: I plan on moving to Miami and becoming an event planner for a major hotel company.

What are your hobbies?: I love traveling, going to concerts and just simply spending time with my best friends

Do you have any hidden talents?: I am very good at hula hooping and reading lips.

Bonus Info: I am the first generation on both sides of my family to attend college.