Gavin Carnahan

Gavin Carnahan

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name:  Gavin Carnahan                                                              

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa.

Year in School:  Junior                                   

Major:  Musical Theatre


Gavin is from Pittsburgh, Pa.‌‌‌

Gavin's Video

Coastal Carolina University is home to some outrageously talented students. Gavin Carnahan, a junior musical theatre student from Pittsburgh, is easily among this special group of Chanticleers. But is it solely his amazing skill set that has led him to prosper in one of the most competitive and prestigious programs at CCU? Hardly. It starts with his attitude.

“Every morning I wake up with optimism and I get my day off early and bright,” an enthusiastic Gavin explains.

This positive outlook has given him the motivation required to push the limits of what is possible for a student to do. For many, the musical theatre program is demanding enough. An aggressive production schedule and intense training can easily consume one’s energy. However, in what seems like a reverse effect, it only encourages Gavin to do more. Last year, he formed a barbershop quartet with three of his peers, developing a synergy that is clearly evident the moment the group opens their mouths (watch). He is also involved with the Upstage Theatre Club and Tap Troupe. Passionate about bodybuilding, Gavin somehow manages to find the time to visit the gym for daily two hour workouts.

Although the gym sessions, barbershop quartet performances and the occasional eating challenge are all important to Gavin, make no mistake about it, he chose Coastal for one reason.

“I came here to do what I love – theatre – and I have met so many other people here who are just as passionate about it as me,” Gavin says. “Coastal has given me a reason to artistically express myself.”

Praising Pittsburgh for the “cultural center” that manifests itself within the city, Gavin is thankful for the early opportunities his hometown provided him with. But he is not looking to return after graduation because he wants to make it big in one of the American theatre hotbeds. Gavin hopes to find himself performing in either Chicago, Los Angeles or New York. One thing is for sure, he not only has the talent to succeed in one of those places, he has the attitude as well.

Gavin is a musical theatre major.
Gavin has appeared in numerous CCU Department of Theatre productions.

Q&A with Gavin

How did you hear about Coastal?: At the Chicago Unified Musical Theatre Auditions

Why did you come to Coastal?: The possibilities for memories and experiences away from my hometown

Favorite professor: Robin Russell

Favorite class: Acting III

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The student environment.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The tourist buffets

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Barbershop quartet, Tap Troupe, Upstage Theatre Club

Plans after graduation?: I want to move to New York and start auditioning.

What are your hobbies?: Bodybuilding, song writing, rapping

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can juggle!

Bonus Info: I was the first to complete the Highway 55 Burger Challenge at the Conway location. I ate a 4 ½ lb burger, side of fries and a 20 ounce drink in 18 minutes and 48 seconds.