Hannah Staley

Hannah Staley

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Name:  Hannah Staley                                 

Hometown: Lafayette, Ind.

Year in School: Senior   

Major: Marine Science

Minor 1:  Political Science

Minor 2:  Environmental Science

 ‌Hannah is from Indiana.

Hannah's Video

Hannah Staley humbly says she doesn’t have any hidden talents but we beg to differ. These days, many people lack open mindedness and adaptability, traits that you can’t immediately tell someone possesses just by looking at them. That’s the essence of a hidden talent, right?

When she enrolled at CCU, Hannah planned to concentrate solely on marine science. She saw herself studying sharks and taking full advantage of one of Coastal’s standout programs. However, Hannah decided to broaden her academic scope. Inspired by classes such as Marine Environmental Issues and concerned by the world around her, Hannah felt the need to make a bigger splash than what she initially intended to.

“I am determined to make this world a better and environmentally cleaner place,” Hannah says.

The senior from Lafayette, Ind., is now on a mission to work in international policy for marine conservation. Hannah is minoring in political science and plans to attend law school upon graduation. This career direction was never in her initial plans but she has adapted her goals to align with what her moral compass tells her is the right thing to do.

“Coastal helped me become who I am today. I never would have even thought of law school and these past four years have helped me decide who I want to be,” Hannah says.

A proud sister of Sigma Sigma Sigma and a Coastal Involvement Specialist for the Student Organization Resource Center, Hannah is still passionate about her University even as she starts to look toward the future. We know this “determined” young woman will end her undergraduate career strong and advance to the next stage of her life where she will do big things.


Hannah is a marine science major.

Q&A with Hannah

How did you hear about Coastal?:  A teacher from my high school recommended that I look into it and as soon as I toured, I fell in love with the campus, people, and overall atmosphere.  

Why did you come to Coastal?: Coastal offers an amazing marine science program, and that combined with the campus itself, I knew that I would be able to call Coastal home.

Favorite professor: Paul Gayes, Ph.D. – he taught Marine Environmental Issues.

Favorite class: Marine Environmental Issues because it’s the class that I learned the most in. I was able to learn about real life situations by taking a trip to the Outer Banks, helping with a local forum on beach nourishment, and listening to speakers who spoke about their experiences.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I love all of the opportunities that you are given here at Coastal such as the diversity of classes and extracurricular activities. I also enjoy the school spirit that is expressed every day. 

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?:  I’m from Indiana, so just the fact that I am able to go to the beach whenever I want, even if it is just for a short period of time.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am part of Sigma Sigma Sigma and the Coastal Democrats

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work in the Student Organization Resource Center as a Coastal Involvement Specialist.

Plans after graduation?: I am hoping to attend a school next fall to study environmental law. I aspire to work in international policy for marine conservation.

What are your hobbies?: I love going to the beach, watching movies, painting, reading and binge-watching “Grey’s Anatomy.”

Do you have any hidden talents?: Unfortunately, no.

Bonus Info:

-Coastal has become my second home and I will always be grateful to the teacher who told me about it. As I am in my last year, it is really sad to think a year from now, I won’t be walking the campus of CCU.

- I was a part of the United Nations Youth Corp group in Georgetown, called Georgetown RISE. I worked for a local company and compiled a report on how they are meeting the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. At the end of the internship, I presented my conclusions.


Hannah is from Indiana