Jacob Condon

Jacob Condon

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name:  Jacob Condon                                   

Hometown: Syracuse, N.Y.

Year in School:  Junior                                   

Major: Exercise and Sports Science

 ‌Jacob is from Syracuse, N.Y.

Jacob's Video

Initially, Jacob Condon didn’t think he would become a Chanticleer. But pieces fell into place and the guy who didn’t even take a campus tour ended up choosing Coastal Carolina University. What a great arrangement it has been!

An exercise and sport science junior from Syracuse, N.Y., Jacob has built his CCU experience around the fraternity he is president of, Kappa Alpha. When you ask him about his favorite moment at Coastal, Jacob shares a story about a fellow fraternity brother offering feedback after a formal event. Stressing the authenticity and sincerity of the student’s response, Jacob recalls that when he asked his brother how his night went, the student said, “It was the best night of my life.” For that exchange to be Jacob’s favorite moment helps showcase the unselfish and kind individual he is.

But Jacob is also strong. He mentions that he has been able to push himself and apply himself throughout his life in a variety of situations, coming out a better person each time.

To add to it, Jacob is also smart! After he graduates from Coastal he plans to attend graduate school at the University of Colorado Boulder to study bioastronautics, a disciple focused on the biological, behavioral and medical aspects governing humans and other living organisms in space flight. Describing it himself as “space life sciences,” Jacob will approach the next level of his academic career thankful for the foundation that CCU provided him with.

“Coastal has made me grow in a number of ways,” Jacob says. “I feel I am a stronger leader. It is a wonderful campus that has brought me a ton of opportunities and it has set me on the right path.”

Continue on that path, Jacob, and you will continue to do great things.


Jacob is a junior

Q&A with Jacob

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal from the older brother of a high school friend.

Why did you come to Coastal?: To get away from the Northeast and explore a new area.

Favorite professor: Kimberly Tatro

Favorite class: Injury Management

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The size! It is big enough that I meet new people daily, but small enough that I have become very familiar with the campus I love.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: There is always something new to try or somewhere new to go.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: President of Kappa Alpha Order

Plans after graduation?: Graduate school at Colorado Boulder for Bioastronautics.

What are your hobbies?:  Hunting, fishing – anything outside really.  Nature is beautiful, comforting and never fails to fascinate. I like to cook as well. I receive a great deal of satisfaction from providing for my family and friends.

Bonus Info: Coming to Coastal has been the best decision of my life. The environment Coastal creates has allowed me to grow, mature and pursue happiness in a way that would not have been possible if I was not a Chanticleer.

Jacob wants to attend graduate school at the University of Colorado Boulder