Jakayla Booker

Jakayla Booker

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Jakayla Booker

Hometown: Spartanburg, S.C.

Year in School: Junior

Major: Psychology

Minor: Intelligence and National Security                                       

Jakayla is from Spartanburg

Jakayla's Video

Jakayla Booker describes Coastal Carolina University as “welcoming.” When making her college decision, she specifically cited the “family vibe” on campus as a main factor for becoming a Chanticleer. Starting with her first day as a student, the unique atmosphere motivated Jakayla to become involved and to reach out to others.

“Coastal has had a positive impact on me as far as being able to do a lot of networking,” Jakayla says.

Singling out the organizations she is part of for allowing her to utilize her talents both on campus and in the community, Jakayla is grateful that each one has helped her develop into a leader. Whether it be Women of Color, the CCU chapter of the NAACP or Leadership Challenge, she values the lessons she has learned from each.

But there is one group that has a played a special role in her development. Now the vice president of the Coastal Activities Board (CAB), Jakayla credits the organization for having a significant impact on her tenure at Coastal. Planning a calendar full of fun events for students and then watching them eagerly attend them is an experience that Jakayla describes as “amazing.”

The academic piece of Jakayla’s Coastal story is unique and goal-oriented. She is majoring in psychology and minoring in intelligence and national security studies, a combination she hopes will catch the attention of a certain federal agency. You see, Jakayla wants to be a behavioral analyst for the FBI.

“I like seeing how the mind works,” Jakayla says. “Being able to learn about how we feel and the way our minds are put together to create how we act is really interesting.”

Even though Jakayla seeks a very serious career, she describes herself as silly. The ability to maintain a firm work focus but to stay true to her natural personality will help her be successful and happy as a professional. We look forward to Jakayla’s senior year and wish her the best as she organizes the major CAB events taking place in April.


Jakayla is a junior

Q&A with Jakayla

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard about Coastal through my sister when she was accepted to the University her senior year of high school.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because the campus was so beautiful and it gave off a “family” vibe. Plus, there was a Starbucks.

Favorite professor: I would have to say my favorite professor is Robert Zackowski. He was one of my Infirst professors, and really made the class fun and interesting. He also made sure as a freshman that I felt welcome and at home and made me want to attend class.

Favorite class: My favorite class was Psych 415. It was very interesting to learn how the law and psychology work together to formulate what we know about the law and how it works based on the crimes committed.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I would have to say the people. The faculty and students that I interact with on a regular basis not only help me succeed, but they make me feel like I have family away from my real family.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I love that there is always somewhere to go, whether it be the beach, Topgolf, or just taking a walk downtown.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am the vice president for the Coastal Activities Board, the treasurer for the Coastal Carolina Chapter of the NAACP, a member of Women of Color (WOC), and an honorary member of Leadership Challenge.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work for Coastal Activities Board as the vice president and I work at Charming Charlie in Market Common.

Plans after graduation?: I plan to attend graduate school to earn my graduate degree in psychology.

What are your hobbies?: I love spending time with my friends and family, shopping, sleeping and getting my nails done.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I dance and choreograph dances for other people and showcases.

Bonus Info: I spent my 21st birthday in New Orleans this past spring break.

Jakayla is a psychology major.