Jasmine Rodriguez

Jasmine Rodriguez

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Name:  Jasmine Rodriguez                                         

Hometown: Bethlehem, Pa.

Year in School: Junior                                    

Major: Middle Level Education

Jasmine is a tutor in the athletic department

Jasmine's Video

Jasmine Rodriguez grew up in Bethlehem, Pa., also known as the Christmas City.  Leaving her hometown behind, she had her sights on a warmer part of the United States, Coastal Carolina.  From the moment she stepped on campus, she felt welcome and right at home.

As a middle level education major, Jasmine is eager to start her future as a teacher but her dream position would be as an international instructor teaching students abroad.  Helping students become the best versions of themselves is a passion of hers.

Jasmine is also a tutor on campus.  Knowing the importance of helping students, she takes her position tutoring student-athletes seriously, always keeping best practices in mind.

“Tutors should have patience.  Some people may not be learning the same way you are and you may have to improvise the ways you can help them,” Jasmine says.

Coastal Carolina has helped Jasmine grow not only academically but personally as well.  Her favorite moment on campus has been receiving her bid from her sorority, Tri Sigma.  Joining a sorority has opened numerous doors for her on campus.

Jasmine describes herself as ambitious, saying, “Once I set my mind to something, I don’t stop until I succeed.” Whether she is helping with a philanthropy event or cooking chicken fried rice with her roommates, Jasmine is dedicated to helping everyone succeed. 

Jasmine is a member of Tri Sigma.

Q&A with Jasmine

How did you hear about Coastal?: A family friend previously attended here, and introduced it to me.

Why did you come to Coastal?: When I visited, the atmosphere was exactly what I was looking for in my home away from home. Everyone was so welcoming, and Coastal provided the opportunities I was looking for.

Favorite professor: Mrs. Jean Burden because she has gave me a new appreciation for teaching.

Favorite class: EDML 417 – Literacy Across Content Areas

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: All of the opportunities I have had to grow academically and personally through my courses and organizations.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: My favorite aspect is seeing palm trees everywhere and being so close to the beach.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Yes, I work as a mentor and a tutor in the athletics department.

Plans after graduation?:  I plan to initially long-term substitute since I will be graduating in the fall, and hopefully find a full-time position after that.    

What are your hobbies?: I like to go shopping, go to the beach, travel, read, volunteer, and cook.

Jasmine is from Bethlehem, Pa.