Jimmy Jester

Jimmy Jester

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Jimmy Jester

Hometown: Rock Hill, S.C.

Year in School: Junior

Major: Theatre

Minor: Spanish                                       

Jimmy is from Rock Hill, S.C.

Jimmy's Video

Jimmy Jester came to Coastal Carolina University partly because of the friendly atmosphere and student to faculty ratio. However, it was the theatre program’s strong reputation that really motivated him to become part of #TEALnation. He would quickly find out that the reputation was built on humility and support within the program.  

“Everybody is open,” Jimmy begins. “There’s not a lot of competition, everybody is excited when people get roles. People aren’t at each other’s throats like you would expect.”

While Jimmy’s passion for theatre preceded Coastal, a new passion developed after he enrolled. Thanks to a friend, Jimmy discovered a unique club offering his sophomore year. He became part of the CCU Club Quidditch team and has savored the opportunities to play in weekend tournaments with some of his closest friends.

Still, the main reason Jimmy came to Coastal has continued to have the biggest impact on him. Although he had initial aspirations to act for a living, the theatre program helped him discover that his talents might be better utilized in a different role.

“I have become a lot more open,” Jimmy says. “I actually found out what I want to do in theatre. Initially, I came in as an actor, but now I realize that I am a stage manager. I am not as much of an actor as I expected.”

Jimmy’s knack for controlling the technical and behind the scenes aspects of a production will hopefully take him far in the theatre world. But before he completely plunges into the industry, he does want to further his education. After graduating, Jimmy plans to attend graduate school.  Although he will continue his studies at a different institution, we will continue to keep an eye on Jimmy and hope he reaches his goals.


Jimmy is a theatre major

Q&A with Jimmy

How did you hear about Coastal?: It was the second school I applied to when I was doing the “college thing,” and I had experienced the area previously for the North-South Games and vacations a number of times.

Why did you come to Coastal?: It has one of the best programs in the state for theatre. Also, it has an easy to navigate and pleasing campus.

Favorite professor: Steve Earnest

Favorite class: Stage Management

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The small numbers and friendly atmosphere.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Now that I have learned where everything is and how to get around, I would have to say all the food joints and bakeries.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: CCU Quidditch Club! We have a home tournament that starts at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 30.

Plans after graduation?:  I want to attend grad school. Yale, Ohio State or Cal Berkeley are possibilities.  

What are your hobbies?: Quidditch, drawing, video games.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can kick a 40-yard field goal!

Bonus Info: I am happy in life and where I am thanks to the faculty at Coastal.

Jimmy's favorite class is stage management.