Katelin Gandee

Katelin Gandee

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name:  Katelin Gandee                                               

Hometown: Saint Clairsville, Ohio

Year in School: Senior 

Major: Communication

Minor: Photography


Katelin is from St. Clairsville, Ohio

Katelin's Video

When Katelin Gandee made the big decision to leave her small town in Ohio and enroll at Coastal Carolina University, people close to her wondered whether she would make it. After all, Katelin freely admitted she was shy and very quiet.

“My mom was afraid I wouldn’t make any friends,” quips Katelin.

Well, any doubt of this St. Clairsville product not lasting long at Coastal evaporated the moment she stepped foot on campus. In her 3.5 years at Coastal, Katelin has managed to do much more than most would deem conceivable in such a short period of time.

Where do we start?

Study abroad? Went to London for the summer in 2016 via IED Abroad. Work for the student newspaper? Served as a writer for The Chanticleer. Join a sorority? Proud sister of Tri Sigma. Give back to the community? Volunteered with the Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentoring Program. Raise awareness for a major societal issue? Collaborated on the Homeless Are project. Leave a mark at Coastal? Already done so in numerous ways, but a promotional video she is working on for the communication department will cement her legacy at CCU even more.

But for all her accomplishments at Coastal Carolina, there is a moment not included above that brings Katelin a special kind of satisfaction. It happened in Greensboro, N.C…

Wouldn’t you know that even with all the groups and extracurricular activities Katelin is involved with, she still found time to be part of the Coastal Carolina Quidditch Club? It is true! Last year at a tournament, Katelin scored her first career goal, a feat that she counts as her favorite moment at CCU.

From the classroom to the streets of Myrtle Beach to the Quidditch pitch and beyond, Katelin has made a major #CCUPositiveImpact. We look forward to watching her graduate this Friday and can’t wait to see her reach her journalism goals. 


Katelin is a communication student.
Katelin wants to work for a big time newspaper.

Q&A with Katelin

How did you hear about Coastal?: My junior year of high school I went to a college fair in Pittsburgh and CCU had a table there.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I always wanted to leave Ohio and go to the South and CCU’s closeness to the beach as well as the size was a huge factor in me coming here.

Favorite professor: Wendy Weinhold, Ph.D.

Favorite class: Intermediate black and white photography because I love film photography and developing my own film.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: How beautiful the campus is and how small the classes are.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Being so close to the beach

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am a member of Tri Sigma, Order of Omega, Omicron Delta Kappa, The Chanticleer, Club Quidditch, and the Dalton and Linda Floyd Mentor Program.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Yes I work at Abercrombie and Fitch at Coastal Grand Mall but I also work in the digital studio in Edwards.

Plans after graduation?:  Not 100% sure but I am hoping to get a job working for a newspaper and hopefully becoming a photojournalist for the New York Times, BBC, or Time.

What are your hobbies?: Photography, SFX makeup, writing, collecting cameras, exploring abandoned places, and watching Walking Dead and Game of Thrones.

Bonus Info: I am a self-taught special effects makeup artist.

I am graduating in 3 ½ years and my graduation is this December. I also worked on the Athenaeum Press’ Homeless Are project which was published last semester. I also was the first student from Coastal to do a study aborad program through IES Abroad which was to London in the summer of 2016 for about seven weeks. I am also currently working on a promotional video for the communication department.