Kathryn Lienhard

Kathryn Lienhard

The official logo of 2016 #CCUfamily


Name: Kathryn Lienhard

Hometown: Westminster, Md.

Year in School: Junior

Major: Marine Science

 ‌Kathryn has a Fried Chicken Friday tattoo.

Kathryn's Video

Yes, Kathryn Lienhard has a certain artistic marking that has delighted the #TEALnation community. But before we address her distinguishing physical trait, we want to focus on Kathryn’s endearing internal traits.

First thing you need to know about Kathryn, a junior marine science student from Westminster, Md., is that she is compassionate. She cares for the people around her immensely, but her empathy extends far past humans.

“I feel like I have a heart not just for other people but for the world and the environment.” Kathryn says, adding that she wants to “amplify” any environmental impact she is capable of making.

Kathryn is also a woman of service. As secretary of the CCU Rotaract Club, you can find her cleaning up the beach, planting trees, packing meals for underprivileged youth and doing whatever is necessary to contribute to the overall welfare of the Coastal Carolina and surrounding community.  

Not to be overlooked, Kathryn is dedicated to her area of study. Fascinated with marine science since she was young, she made it a priority to attend the best college she could find related to her desired major. After all her research, Coastal Carolina University stood alone. Appreciative of the opportunities given to students both inside and outside of the classroom, Kathryn has taken full advantage of lab field trips, knowledgeable faculty members and the resources available at CCU.

So, what else could make a well-rounded student such as Kathryn Lienhard stand out even more?

Four words: Fried. Chicken. Friday. Tattoo.

That’s right, Kathryn Lienhard sports a small Fried Chicken Friday tattoo on the back of the leg, near her lower calf. When word about Kathryn’s tattoo got out last week, she was immediately a star on various CCU social media accounts. What inspired her to get it?

“Prior to coming to Coastal, I never really had real fried chicken. The first time I tried Fried Chicken Friday I absolutely loved it, and I have been going ever since and I just wanted something to commemorate that,” Kathryn explains. “I love seeing people’s reactions when I show them that I have a Fried Chicken Friday tattoo.”

Inside and out, Kathryn is a dedicated Chanticleer. We appreciate her contributions to our University and for going all-in to embrace one of our beloved traditions.   

Kathryn is a marine science student.

Q&A with Kathryn

How did you hear about Coastal?: I heard the campus was awesome from someone in my hometown! Once I received mail from Coastal in high school I started to research more about it.

Why did you come to Coastal?: I came to Coastal because marine science is not offered as a major at any university in Maryland, and Coastal appealed to me in a lot of ways. The campus is beautiful, and the marine science program was more compelling compared to those at other schools.

Favorite professor: Angelos Hannides, Ph.D., is a favorite professor of mine. He was the instructor of my Marine Science 111 course (the first marine science class I took at Coastal) and aided in my current understanding and appreciation of the major.

Favorite class: Marine Biology

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I appreciate the opportunities given to marine science students both in and out of the classroom. Attending lab field trips, writing formal scientific reports and having exposure to real-world content makes classes feel purposeful.

Favorite part of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: I enjoy living near the beach because it makes challenging academic weeks more rewarding.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: BCM, Rotaract Club

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: Kimbel Library (since Sept. 2017)

Plans after graduation?:  I hope to find a marine science-related internship that will give me more research experience before I apply for graduate school.   

What are your hobbies?: I like going outside (especially to the beach), listening to music and spending most of my time at the library.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can nap almost anywhere.

Bonus Info: I have a Fried Chicken Friday tattoo!

Here is a look at Kathryn's #FCF tattoo.