Katie Estabrook

Katie Estabrook

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Name:  Katie Estabrook  

Hometown: Mooresville, N.C.

Year in School: Senior             

Major:  Communication

Concentration: Interactive Journalism

Minor: Religious Studies


Katie is from Mooresville, N.C.


Katie's Video

Perhaps the only unfortunate aspect of Katie Estabrook’s experience at Coastal Carolina University is that it didn’t start sooner.  A transfer student, Katie spent the first half of her undergraduate career at another university. She says she never quite found where she fit in at that first school.

“But at Coastal, I was able to find home,” Katie says when explaining the result of her transfer.

Over the past couple years, “home” for Katie has entailed one-on-one relationships with professors, a specific but unique academic path and the opportunity to lead one of the most popular student organizations on campus.

Katie serves as the editor-in-chief of The Chanticleer, the student-run newspaper at CCU. The leadership role allows her to gain valuable experience while at the same time allowing her to stay on top of current happenings at Coastal Carolina, a place that has seen its fair share of major developments over the past couple of years.

With the goal of launching a career reporting on foreign affairs, Katie would love to be based in San Francisco. After she graduates in May and takes some time off, she plans to move west to California and make her dream a reality. This semester, save a couple issues of The Chanticleer; they will be a neat keepsake once Katie hits it big.



Katie serves as the editor-in-chief for The Chanticleer.
Katie would like to eventually move to San Francisco.

Q&A with Katie

How did you hear about Coastal?: My family has a house in Pawleys Island, so I always used to visit when I was younger. Coastal was always an option!

Why did you come to Coastal?: I transferred to Coastal because of the communication program and because of how close to home it was. I get to see my parents at least one time every week.

Favorite professor: That’s a hard question. I have had so many wonderful professors. I would probably have to say Dr. Fitsanakis in the politics and intelligence program. I am currently taking a directive study with him, and he is probably the only professor I could sit one-on-one with for three hours to discuss foreign relations and enjoy it thoroughly.

Favorite class: My directive study on Sunni militant strategies that I am currently taking. I have enjoyed all of my communication classes, so it is really hard to pick between those.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: I enjoy having the opportunity to have one-on-one, professional relationships with the professors. I have been able to make connections that will benefit me in whatever I choose to do in the future.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: The beach, of course!

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: I am editor-in-chief of The Chanticleer newspaper and am a member of the Shell Squad, the group that runs the Wally Social Norms campaign.

Plans after graduation?:  I plan to stay in the area for six months to a year to save some money and then hopefully move to San Francisco.

What are your hobbies?: I regularly travel to music festivals. I have been to seven in the past year. Other than that, I watch Netflix and hang out with my boyfriend, cat and dog. LOL! 

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can shuffle! It’s a sort of step dance that a lot of people do at EDM festivals.

Bonus Info: I’m really going to miss Coastal after I graduate in May. At my previous university, I never quite found where I fit in but at Coastal, I was able to find home.