Ken Wilson

Ken Wilson

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Name: Ken Wilson                                          

Hometown: Columbia, S.C.

Year in School:  Senior                                  

Major: History 


Ken is from Columbia, S.C.

Ken's Video

As Ken Wilson, who is entering his final semester at Coastal, looks back on his time as a Chanticleer, he can’t help but note that the time has flown by. However, just because the ride has been quick does not mean Ken has not made the most of it.

A history major, Ken has spent his four years at Coastal enjoying his classes, volunteering with area youth, exploring the Grand Strand, seizing opportunities and working for University Housing. Throughout it all, he has maintained a gracious, down to earth demeanor.

“I like to think I am the same wherever I go, no matter who I talk to,” Ken explains, adding “You are going to get the same Ken no matter what.”

When he arrived at Coastal, Ken did not have a specific course of action mapped out for life after graduation. But once he started to settle in, his calling became clear as a vision for a career in student affairs tugged at his heart. He realizes a graduate degree will help him achieve his goal and he looks forward to embarking on that portion of his educational journey after he takes a year off. With a solid plan in place, Ken is thankful for the direction that CCU has provided him with.

“Coastal has set me up with a lot of networking opportunities and future career paths,” Ken says.

Ken will leave CCU having left a positive mark. He had a lasting impact on countless Coastal freshman via his position as a resident adviser, working hard to make sure “they feel like they have someone looking out for them.” Ken strives to do more than just serve first year students, however. He does his best to treat everyone with respect, and he leaves us with this piece of advice on how we can follow suit:

“We just got to treat each other right. It’s the little things that matter.”

Well said, Ken. 

Ken is a senior.
Ken is a history major.

Q&A with Ken

How did you hear about Coastal?: I first heard about Coastal when I started receiving emails from the University in the 10th grade.

Why did you come to Coastal?: When I was deciding on a college it was between Coastal and Clemson. I had some friends from high school who chose Coastal so I decided to join them. I have never regretted my decision.

Favorite professor: Tripthi Pillai, Ph.D. - She always challenged us to think outside of the box when it came to real world ideas. Her class, Pop Culture & Paranoia (ENGL 205), was one that pushed the envelope in terms of cinematic prowess and examining how characters on the big screen are developed and portrayed.

Favorite class: HIST 201. This class is US history from the discovery of the US to the Reconstruction era after the Civil War. My professor was Matt McDonough, Ph.D.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: The scenery and atmosphere. CCU is such a beautiful campus and it is constantly growing. The individuals that work here are some of the most down to earth people you will ever meet. They will help you out in a heartbeat if you need it.

Favorite aspect of living in the Conway/Myrtle Beach area?: Myrtle Beach is quite the attractive city. There is so much to see, do and explore. The area has great jobs, beautiful scenery and good restaurants.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: During my sophomore year I was a SNAP Mentor and Floyd Family Mentor.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I work in University Housing as a resident adviser (RA) in DeCenzo Hall (previously Teal Hall).

Plans after graduation?:  I want to take a year off, stay in the area, perhaps get a job at CCU and then go to grad school and get a degree in student affairs, higher education, or college personnel.          

What are your hobbies?: I really enjoy going to the movies, bowling, getting some sun at the beach and hanging out with friends.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I can whistle just about any song and I have a knack for remixing and parodying song lyrics.

Bonus Info: I can't believe four years have gone by so fast and that I am about to graduate! It has been a wild and crazy ride but I have enjoyed every moment of it. Chants Up!