Kiki Sirett

Kiki Sirett

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Name:  Markyta “Kiki” Sirett                                                                      

Hometown: Allentown, Penn.

Year in School: Senior                                                   

Major: Communication


 Kiki is a communication student

Kiki's Video

If you are ever lucky enough to meet Kiki Sirett, you will instantly discover that there is a lot to her. Eloquent and philosophical when she speaks, Kiki can explain various components of life in a way that many of us struggle to articulate. Take for example Coastal Carolina University – Kiki hits it on the mark when she calls our institution “ambitious,” giving it credit for doing what any college should do – provide direction.

“Coastal has reminded me of my purpose as to why I wanted to go to college and what I want to do afterwards,” Kiki expresses.   

But Kiki’s assessment of CCU just scrapes the surface of her unique perspective on life. A selfless person, she is all about helping others. Through the CCU organizations she has joined along with her own personal drive, Kiki has lived her purpose of “service to all mankind.” In achieving this mission, she has made sure to constantly improve herself.

“If you aren’t bettering yourself there is no way you can better other people,” Kiki explains.

Describing herself as a “warrior,” Kiki has faced a lot of adversity in her young life, a story that is fit for a feature much longer than this one. The point for now is that she has always willed herself to overcome obstacles and disappointment. Attending Coastal has helped her deal with setbacks.

“CCU has opened many doors but also closed many doors for me,” Kiki says. “Thankfully, I will never regret not going through them.”

Kiki wants to make a difference in the world and according to many folks on the CCU campus, she already is.

Kiki is a senior
Kiki is from Allentown, Penn.

Q&A with Kiki

How did you hear about Coastal?: My high school nurse told me her daughter came here about 15 years ago. She wouldn’t stop bragging about how beautiful the campus is and I can’t say she was wrong!

Why did you come to Coastal?: I cried at every college visit I went on, except when I visited CCU. It had this amazing vibe and the campus was beautiful. My orientation leader made me feel right at home and that is when I knew I chose the right university.

Favorite professor: My favorite professor, hands down, is Linda Kuykendall. She has so much wisdom and I will forever give her my respect. I learned a lot from her other than book material.

Favorite class: My favorite class would have to be Ethnographic Film with Sofia Karatza, Ph.D. It opened my eyes to the injustices in our world and showed me my purpose.

Favorite aspect of Coastal?: My favorite aspect of CCU is the small campus. I came here for the small family feel and I wish CCU would stop growing because I believe its best feature is that everyone knows someone and can feel at home no matter where they are on campus.

Clubs/Intramurals/other extracurricular activities involved in?: Member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., president of the National PanHellenic Council, past coach of the Indiana boys basketball intramural team, Gold Z Women’s Leadership member, past orientation leader, past resident adviser.

Do you work anywhere currently (either on or off campus)?: I am an event coordinator for a wedding planner, I am a part time babysitter, and I am a server at the Noizy Oyster.

Plans after graduation?: Either attending graduate school to pursue my career in student affairs or traveling with the Peace Corps.     

What are your hobbies?: I like to go shopping and I like to eat out. I also enjoy going to the movies on discount Tuesdays. Also, I have no problem staying at home on my couch and watching Netflix for hours.

Do you have any hidden talents?: I wish! Lol.

Bonus Info: If no one has ever told you before, I am going to make sure you hear it from me today… You have a purpose, you are wanted, and you are loved by so many. Make a difference in the world!